Price sources for Beancount that provide prices for various cryptoassets.
Install latest version with pip
(python 3 is required):
pip install
No API key required, only latest quotes.
Source string format is <quote-currency>:beancount_cryptoassets.coingecko/<base-currency>:<quote-currency>
can be either CoinGecko currency ID (e.g. uniswap
) or a symbol (e.g. UNI
API key is required. You can get free one at but it grants access only to latest quotes.
Source string format is <quote-currency>:beancount_cryptoassets.coinmarketcap_api/<api-key>:<base-currency>:<quote-currency>
No API key required, only latest quotes.
Source string format is <quote-currency>:beancount_cryptoassets.cryptonator/<base-currency>:<quote-currency>
No API key required, only latest quotes. The price of the cToken's underlying asset in quote currency is calculated using the data from Cryptonator API.
Source string format is <quote-currency>:beancount_cryptoassets.compound/<ctoken-address>:<quote-currency>
CTokens' addresses can be found here:
Price source for Fulcrum iTokens.
Free Infura API key is required (the "Project ID"). The price of iToken is taken directly from iToken smart contract. The price of the iToken's underlying asset in quote currency is calculated using the data from Cryptonator API.
Source string format is <quote-currency>:beancount_cryptoassets.bzx/<infura-project-id>:<itoken-address>:<quote-currency>
This source uses undocumented Token Sets API which provides only USD prices. Historical prices are available only for the last week.
Source string format is USD:beancount_cryptoassets.tokensets/<base-currency>:USD
Evaluate source string with bean-price
PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH bean-price --no-cache -e 'USD:beancount_cryptoassets.coingecko/BTC:USD'
Set price source for commodity in beancount file:
2009-01-09 commodity BTC
price: "USD:beancount_cryptoassets.coingecko/BTC:USD"