
Tagexing 2.0 - Campus Public Bike Service - 校园公共自行车服务平台 - 2.0 采用Laravel框架,更多新鲜功能敬请期待!

Primary LanguagePHP

踏鸽行 校园公共自行车服务平台 2.0 Tagexing Campus Public Bike Service 2.0


  1. 代码完全重写

    Rewrite all source code

  2. 采用Laravel 5框架

    Use Laravel PHP development framework

  3. 全新清爽界面设计

    New clean UI design (Use Bootstrap instead of jQuery Mobile)

  4. 新的借车问题上报机制,减少修车压力

    New procedure of reporting problem whilst renting (To reduce our pressure of repairing the bike)

  5. 新的认证机制,采用学校统一身份认证,简化认证审核流程

    Simplify authentication procedure using School's unified authentication system

  6. 更多新功能重磅推出……

    Many new functions will be released...


Please look forward...

源于 北京师范大学 From Beijing Normal University

By xuhongxu