
my dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains dotfiles and installation scripts for setting up new installed macOS and Arch Linux.

macOS scripts supports installing brew, cask and cask-fonts with set of apps and binaries. Setting up zsh, nvm, iTerm2 preferences, vim config, gitconfig and Github SSH key.

Arch Linux version is still in progress.

Setup macOS

  1. clone repo to $HOME/.dotfiles directory
  2. run .dotfiles/brew/setup-brew.sh - to install Homebrew together with some brew packages
  3. run .dotfiles/brew/setup-cask.sh - to install brew cask and cas fonts together with some apps and terminal fonts
  4. run .dotfiles/nvm/setup-nvm.sh - to install NVM and recent node.js LTS version
  5. run .dotfiles/zsh/setup-zsh.sh - to install oh my ZSH and Powerlevel9k theme and some plugins
  6. ln -s .dotfiles/zsh/mac-os/.zshrc .zshrc create symlink for ZSH shell config
  7. run source .zshrc
  8. run .dotfiles/git/setup-github.sh - to setup gitconfig and create Github SSH key
  9. run .dotfiles/iterm/setup-iterm.sh - to setup iTerm2 preferences
  10. ln -s .dotfiles/vim/.vimrc .vimrc -create a symlink for vim configuration

Setup Arch Linux