
Compressing Deep Graph Convolution Network with Multi-Staged Knowledge Distillation (PLOS ONE)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Compressing Deep Graph Convolution Network with Multi-Staged Knowledge Distillation


Given a trained deep graph convolution network (GCN), how can we effectively compress it into a compact network without significant loss of accuracy? Compressing a trained deep GCN into a compact GCN is of great importance for implementing the model to environments such as mobile or embedded systems, which have limited computing resources. However, previous works for compressing deep GCNs do not consider the multi-hop aggregation of the deep GCNs, though it is the main purpose for their multiple GCN layers. In this work, we propose MustaD (Multi-staged knowledge Distillation), a novel approach for compressing deep GCNs to single-layered GCNs through multi-staged knowledge distillation (KD). MustaD distills the knowledge of 1) the aggregation from multiple GCN layers as well as 2) task prediction while preserving the multi-hop feature aggregation of deep GCNs by a single effective layer. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets show that MustaD provides the state-of-the-art performance compared to other KD based methods. Specifically, MustaD presents up to 4.21%p improvement of accuracy compared to the second-best KD models.



  1. Preserving Multi-hop Feature Aggregation: MuSK preserves the feature aggregation procedure of deep GCN layers of the teacher in a single effective GCN layer of a student.
  2. Distilling Knowledge from Trained Deep GCNs: MuSK distills the last hidden embeddings after K-hop aggregations of the teacher into the student. This distillation guides the student to follow the teacher’s behavior more carefully.
  3. Distilling Knowledge of Predictions: The distillation of task prediction guides the student to obtain similar predictive outputs as the teacher.

Code Description

  • src/citation/model.py: Model architecture of GCNII.
  • src/citation/process.py: Processing functions used on training.
  • src/citation/utils.py: Utility functions for GCNII.
  • src/citation/student_train.py: Trains a student GCNII model.
  • src/citation/teacher_train.py: Trains a teacher GCNII model.
  • src/ogbn-proteins/model.py: Model architecture of GEN.
  • src/ogbn-proteins/utils.py: Utility functions for GEN.
  • src/ogbn-proteins/student_train.py: Trains a student GEN model.
  • src/ogbn-proteins/teacher_train.py: Trains a teacher GEN model.

Data Overview

Dataset Path
Cora data/citation/ind.cora
Citeseer data/citation/ind.citeseer
Pubmed data/citation/ind.pubmed
ogbn-proteins data/ogbn_proteins_pyg

Citation Dataset


  • CUDA 10.1
  • python 3.6.8
  • pytorch 1.7.0
  • torch-geometric 1.6.1
  • scipy 1.5.4
  • numpy 1.19.2

Simple Demo

You can run the demo sript in the citation dataset by bash citation.sh. It trains MuSK on Cora, Citeseer, and Pubmed. This demo loads a pre-trained teacher model from src/citation/teacher/teacher_{DATASET}{#LAYERS}.pth and saves the trained student model at src/citation/student/student_{DATASET}{#LAYERS}.pth. Then, it evaluates the trained model in terms of accuracy.

  • {DATASET}: cora, citeseer, pubmed.
  • {#LAYERS}: The number of layers in the teacher model.

Results of the Demo

Dataset Teacher Layers Accuracy
Cora 64 84.70
Citeseer 64 72.70
Pubmed 64 80.04

Used Hyperparameters

We briefly summarize the hyperparameters.

  • Hyperparameters of MuSK
    • data: name of the dataset.
    • layer: number of layers in the teacher.
    • test: evaluation on test dataset.
    • t_hidden: teacher's hidden feature dimension.
    • s_hidden: student's hidden feature dimension.
    • lamda: lambda in GCNII.
    • dropout: ratio of dropout.
    • lbd_pred: lambda for the prediction loss.
    • lbd_embd: lambda for the embedding loss.
    • kernel: kernel function.

Detailed Usage

You can reproduce results with the following command:

python -u src/citation/student_train.py --data cora --layer 64 --test --lbd_pred 1 --lbd_embd 0.01 --kernel kl
python -u src/citation/student_train.py --data citeseer --layer 64 --t_hidden 256 --s_hidden 256 --lamda 0.6 --dropout 0.7 --test --lbd_pred 0.1 --lbd_embd 0.01 --kernel kl
python -u src/citation/student_train.py --data pubmed --layer 64 --t_hidden 256 --s_hidden 256 --lamda 0.4 --dropout 0.5 --wd1 5e-4 --test --lbd_pred 100 --lbd_embd 10 --kernel kl

The pre-trained teachers were generated by the following command:

python -u src/citation/teacher_train.py --data cora --layer 64 --test
python -u src/citation/teacher_train.py --data citeseer --layer 64 --hidden 256 --lamda 0.6 --dropout 0.7 --test
python -u src/citation/teacher_train.py --data pubmed --layer 64 --hidden 256 --lamda 0.4 --dropout 0.5 --wd1 5e-4 --test

Reference Implementation

Codes are written based on GCNII.

ogbn-proteins Dataset


  • CUDA 10.0
  • python 3.6.8
  • pytorch 1.4.0
  • torch-geometric 1.6.0
  • ogb 1.2.1
  • numpy 1.19.1

Simple Demo

You can run the demo sript in ogbn-proteins by bash ogbn-proteins.sh. It trains MuSK on ogbn-proteins. This demo loads a pre-trained teacher model from src/ogbn-proteins/teacher/teacher_ogbn{#LAYERS}.pth and saves the trained student model at ./src/ogbn-proteins/student/student_ogbn{#LAYERS}.pth. Then, it evaluates the trained model in terms of ROC-AUC.

  • {#LAYERS}: The number of layers in the teacher model.

Results of the Demo

Dataset Teacher Layers ROC-AUC
ogbn-proteins 28 0.823

Used Hyperparameters

We briefly summarize the hyperparameters.

  • Hyperparameters of MuSK
    • layer: number of layers in the teacher.
    • hidden: student's hidden feature dimension.
    • lbd_pred: lambda for the prediction loss.
    • lbd_embd: lambda for the embedding loss.
    • train_bn: train batch number.
    • test_bn: test batch number.

Detailed Usage

You can reproduce results with the following command:

python src/ogbn-proteins/student_train.py --lbd_pred 0.1 --lbd_embd 0.01 --hidden 64 --layer 28 --train_bn 40 --test_bn 5

The pre-trained teachers were generated by the following command:

python src/ogbn-proteins/teacher_train.py --lbd_pred 0.1 --lbd_embd 0.01 --hidden 64 --layer 28 --train_bn 40 --test_bn 5

Reference Implementation

Codes are written based on deeperGCN and pytorch-geometric (https://github.com/rusty1s/pytorch_geometric).


If you use this code, please cite the following paper.

    author = {Junghun Kim and 
              Jinhong Jung and 
              U Kang},
    journal = {PLOS ONE},
    publisher = {Public Library of Science},
    title = {Compressing Deep Graph Convolution Network with Multi-Staged Knowledge Distillation},
    year = {2021},
    month = {08},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {1-18}