

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION

Document Language: English | 中文

ShareSDK For Flutter

ShareSDK is a social sharing component that provides social functions for apps, like authorization and share, and has social statistical analysis management background.

supported original ShareSDK minimum version:

introduce: http://www.mob.com/product/sharesdk

plugin homepage: https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/sharesdk_plugin

official document: http://wiki.mob.com/快速集成/

Getting Started

Refer to the official document

If you need to customize the platforms:


You need to editor sharesdk.podspec , please refer to official website document for supported platforms.

# To learn more about a Podspec see http://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name             = 'sharesdk'
s.version          = '0.0.1'
s.summary          = 'flutter plugin for sharesdk.'
s.description      = 'ShareSDK is the most comprehensive Social SDK in the world,which share easily with 40+ platforms.'
s.homepage         = 'http://www.mob.com'
s.license          = { :file => '../LICENSE' }
s.author           = { 'Mob' => 'mobproducts@163.com' }
s.source           = { :path => '.' }
s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*'
s.public_header_files = 'Classes/**/*.h'
s.dependency 'Flutter'
s.dependency 'mob_sharesdk'
#  s.dependency 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKUI'
#  s.dependency 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/QQ'
#  s.dependency 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/SinaWeibo'
#  s.dependency 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/WeChat'
#  s.dependency 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/Facebook'
#  s.dependency 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/Twitter'

s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'

Then you need to configure Appkey and AppSecret in info.plist according to the official document, as well as the whitelist and urlScheme of each platform.


You need to edit build.gradle, mobsdk.gradle file again to select the platform you need to use, For specific supported platforms, please refer to official website technical documentation To meet the requirements of the example project, you need to configure at least the following platforms:


buildscript {
    repositories {
                    maven {
                    url "https://mvn.mob.com/android"

    dependencies {
                    classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.2'
                    classpath 'com.mob.sdk:MobSDK:+'


MobSDK {
    appKey "moba6b6c6d6"
    appSecret "b89d2427a3bc7ad1aea1e1e8c1d36bf3"

        ShareSDK {

            // platform configuration information
            devInfo {
                        QQ {
                        id 7
                        sortId 7
                        appId "100371282"
                        appKey "aed9b0303e3ed1e27bae87c33761161d"
                        shareByAppClient true
                        bypassApproval false
                        enable true

                        SinaWeibo {
                        id 1
                        sortId 1
                        appKey "568898243"
                        appSecret "38a4f8204cc784f81f9f0daaf31e02e3"
                        callbackUri "http://www.sharesdk.cn"
                        shareByAppClient true
                        enable true

                        Wechat {
                        id 4
                        sortId 4
                        appId "wx4868b35061f87885"
                        appSecret "64020361b8ec4c99936c0e3999a9f249"
                        userName "gh_afb25ac019c9"
                        path "pages/index/index.html?id=1"
                        withShareTicket true
                        miniprogramType 0
                        bypassApproval false
                        enable true

                        Facebook {
                        id 8
                        sortId 8
                        appKey "1412473428822331"
                        appSecret "a42f4f3f867dc947b9ed6020c2e93558"
                        callbackUri "https://mob.com"
                        shareByAppClient true
                        enable true

                        Twitter {
                        id 9
                        sortId 9
                        appKey "viOnkeLpHBKs6KXV7MPpeGyzE"
                        appSecret "NJEglQUy2rqZ9Io9FcAU9p17omFqbORknUpRrCDOK46aAbIiey"
                        callbackUri "http://mob.com"
                        shareByAppClient true
                        enable true