
Basic LiDAR Processing Pipeline Consisting of Ground Segmentation, Clustering and Polygonization

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Lidar processing pipeline based on ROS2 Humble that consists of:

  • Reading point cloud data from data/ folder and publishing on pointcloud topic at some predefined constant frequency. To closely simulate real time conditions, 10Hz frequency is used in the current pipeline.
  • Subscribing on pointcloud topic and performing several processing steps, such as
    • Ground segmentation.
    • Obstacle clustering.
    • Obstacle cluster simplification.
  • Publishing visualisable results on ground_pointcloud, obstacle_pointcloud and convex_polygonization topics.


Build and Launch Nodes

Install dependencies: ROS2 Humble, PCL, Nanoflann

Update submodules: git pull & git submodule update --init --recursive

Build: ./build.sh

Launch processing nodes and the visualizer: ./launch.sh

After launch, the RViz window should open and you should see the node publishing and displaying information:

Ground segmentation time: 0.0129058
Ground Pts: 62809 | Obstacle Pts: 60427
Obstacle clustering time: 0.0149482
Number of clusters: 370
Convex polygon simplification time: 0.00399037

Point Cloud Colored by Intensity


Ground Segmentation

The algorithm is based on the paper "Fast Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds: A Paradigm on LiDAR Data for Autonomous Vehicle Applications". In brief, the algorithm subdivides point cloud into several point cloud segments formed by splitting point cloud along x-direction. Initially, the seed points are randomly selected to produce initial estimation of ground plane for each point cloud segment. Next, the iterative procedure performs ground plane fit on each of the ground segment within the point cloud segment, and the results are refined iteratively. From the results of various tests, I observed that the algorithm provides higher quality results compared to RANSAC segmentation as well as has more deterministic number of iterations, despite the complexity of fitting the ground plane on a large number of points.


Obstacle Point Cloud Clusters

Fast Euclidean Clustering (FEC) is a hierarchical clustering algorithm that starts by dividing the data into small subsets, and then merges these subsets to form larger clusters. It uses a threshold distance to determine whether two subsets should be merged or not.

DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm that groups together data points that are close to each other and have high density. It defines clusters as regions of high density separated by regions of low density. DBSCAN is more flexible than FEC because it can identify clusters of arbitrary shapes and sizes, and it can handle datasets with noise and outliers. Typically, you will observe more granular clusters when using DBSCAN approach compared to FEC.

Euclidean Clustering




Convex Simplification

In order to simplify dense clusters formed by Fast Euclidean Clustering (FEC) or DBSCAN, currently the pipeline utilizes Convex Hull simplification algorithms based on either Chan's Algorithm that uses Graham Scan to form initial simplification contours, followed by Jarvis March that merges disconnected convex hull components into a larger convex hull, if the number of points is large, or relies purely on Graham Scan if the number of points is relatively small. The threshold value is based on imperative observations.

Convex Simplification of Obstacle Point Cloud Clusters (Fast Euclidean Clustering)

The below image demonstrates polygonization results formed from Fast Euclidean Clustering as a preprocessing method for cluster formation.


Convex Simplification of Obstacle Point Cloud Clusters (DBSCAN)

The below image demonstrates polygonization results formed from DBSCAN as a preprocessing method for cluster formation.


Concave Simplification

An alternative to convex hull formation is concave simplification. The algorithm is based on Duckham et.al "Efficient generation of simple polygons for characterizing the shape of a set of points in the plane". In brief, the algorithm uses Delaunay triangulation as a starting point of the refinement of the convex boundary.

Dynamic Example

The below gif image demonstrates the video recording of the current pipeline, consisting of ground segmentation, fast euclidean clustering and concave hull polygonization.
