- 更改 plot.py 脚本中路径,运行该脚本,可以绘出数据分布的直方图
- 下载预训练模型 Inception-V3
- 更改 plant_disease.py 中的输入文件路径,输出文件路径,预训练模型文件路径
- 在 code 路径下直接运行 python plant_disease.py
- 训练完成后会直接使用训练得到的参数预测 testA 数据集,生成可以用来直接提交的 json 文件
- 框架:pytorch
- 最终成绩:0.875
- 框架:keras
- 最终成绩:0.88658
Label ID | Label Name |
0 | apple healthy(苹果健康) |
1 | Apple_Scab general(苹果黑星病一般) |
2 | Apple_Scab serious(苹果黑星病严重) |
3 | Apple Frogeye Spot(苹果灰斑病) |
4 | Cedar Apple Rust general(苹果雪松锈病一般) |
5 | Cedar Apple Rust serious(苹果雪松锈病严重) |
6 | Cherry healthy(樱桃健康) |
7 | Cherry_Powdery Mildew general(樱桃白粉病一般) |
8 | Cherry_Powdery Mildew serious(樱桃白粉病严重) |
9 | Corn healthy(玉米健康) |
10 | Cercospora zeaemaydis Tehon and Daniels general(玉米灰斑病一般) |
11 | Cercospora zeaemaydis Tehon and Daniels serious(玉米灰斑病严重) |
12 | Puccinia polysora general(玉米锈病一般) |
13 | Puccinia polysora serious(玉米锈病严重) |
14 | Corn Curvularia leaf spot fungus general(玉米叶斑病一般) |
15 | Corn Curvularia leaf spot fungus serious(玉米叶斑病严重) |
16 | Maize dwarf mosaic virus(玉米花叶病毒病) |
17 | Grape heathy(葡萄健康) |
18 | Grape Black Rot Fungus general(葡萄黑腐病一般) |
19 | Grape Black Rot Fungus serious(葡萄黑腐病严重) |
20 | Grape Black Measles Fungus general(葡萄轮斑病一般) |
21 | Grape Black Measles Fungus serious(葡萄轮斑病严重) |
22 | Grape Leaf Blight Fungus general(葡萄褐斑病一般) |
23 | Grape Leaf Blight Fungus serious(葡萄褐斑病严重) |
24 | Citrus healthy(柑桔健康) |
25 | Citrus Greening June general(柑桔黄龙病一般) |
26 | Citrus Greening June serious(柑桔黄龙病严重) |
27 | Peach healthy(桃健康) |
28 | Peach_Bacterial Spot general(桃疮痂病一般) |
29 | Peach_Bacterial Spot serious(桃疮痂病严重) |
30 | Pepper healthy(辣椒健康) |
31 | Pepper scab general(辣椒疮痂病一般) |
32 | Pepper scab serious(辣椒疮痂病严重) |
33 | Potato healthy(马铃薯健康) |
34 | Potato_Early Blight Fungus general(马铃薯早疫病一般) |
35 | Potato_Early Blight Fungus serious(马铃薯早疫病严重) |
36 | Potato_Late Blight Fungus general(马铃薯晚疫病一般) |
37 | Potato_Late Blight Fungus serious(马铃薯晚疫病严重) |
38 | Strawberry healthy(草莓健康) |
39 | Strawberry_Scorch general(草莓叶枯病一般) |
40 | Strawberry_Scorch serious(草莓叶枯病严重) |
41 | Tomato healthy(番茄健康) |
42 | tomato powdery mildew general(番茄白粉病一般) |
43 | tomato powdery mildew serious(番茄白粉病严重) |
44 | Tomato Bacterial Spot Bacteria general(番茄疮痂病一般) |
45 | Tomato Bacterial Spot Bacteria serious(番茄疮痂病严重) |
46 | Tomato_Early Blight Fungus general(番茄早疫病一般) |
47 | Tomato_Early Blight Fungus serious(番茄早疫病严重) |
48 | Tomato_Late Blight Water Mold general(番茄晚疫病菌一般) |
49 | Tomato_Late Blight Water Mold serious(番茄晚疫病菌严重) |
50 | Tomato_Leaf Mold Fungus general(番茄叶霉病一般) |
51 | Tomato_Leaf Mold Fungus serious(番茄叶霉病严重) |
52 | Tomato Target Spot Bacteria general(番茄斑点病一般) |
53 | Tomato Target Spot Bacteria serious(番茄斑点病严重) |
54 | Tomato_Septoria Leaf Spot Fungus general(番茄斑枯病一般) |
55 | Tomato_Septoria Leaf Spot Fungus serious(番茄斑枯病严重) |
56 | Tomato Spider Mite Damage general(番茄红蜘蛛损伤一般) |
57 | Tomato Spider Mite Damage serious(番茄红蜘蛛损伤严重) |
58 | Tomato YLCV Virus general(番茄黄化曲叶病毒病一般) |
59 | Tomato YLCV Virus serious(番茄黄化曲叶病毒病严重) |
60 | Tomato Tomv(番茄花叶病毒病) |
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