Project Goal
Starter project to demonstrate the following concepts:
- Nextjs with Auth0 as IDP to support authentication
- Prisma as a DB schema management tool. -- Prisma to management schema changes, auto-generate migration scripts -- Prisma client to interact with DB as an ORM layer -- Does not deal with product DB data
- Postgres as local DB as docker container
- Postgraphile to serve postgres DB as GraphQL server
- Middle tier to interact with Auth0 to validate JWT token with role/user information
- Postgres Role-base Authorization (RBAC) and Row-level Security. Role is extracted from jwt from above.
- Nextjs to use Postgraphile as middle tier, deployable to vercel (which supports CI with github)
- Postgraphile with graphiql as playground.
- Automatic codegen from graphql query to typescript in watch mode.
- nodemon usage
One time setup
yarn install
yarn db
DATABASE_URL="postgresql://johndoe:randompassword@localhost:5432/mydb?schema=public" AUTH0_SECRET=a47da55d3c21b15dd5f80a0947364ad60c3fdc2a862ab9ef8ad001b78c88672f AUTH0_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 AUTH0_ISSUER_BASE_URL='' AUTH0_CLIENT_ID='kY6yCHjdpONnpr3GOREjW41WWsQW8RZF' AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET='flBGWZqFHaws1NPazSsfjpK3-Jejim8VlqlAYIIjrj_82h6Wnqi7pkukdHIZu-Ey' AUTH0_AUDIENCE=ablslsdhwheshss AUTH0_SCOPE='openid profile email read:shows'
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://johndoe:randompassword@localhost:5432/mydb"
npx prisma migrate dev
psql -Atx $DATABASE_URL < prisma/security-policy.sql
psql -Atx $DATABASE_URL < prisma/venue_data_insert_only.sql
yarn dev
Click sample graphql Click venues
change the user from user to admin somehow
See the venue list change
yarn db # to start the the db yarn dev to start the dev server yarn generate to start the watch modeo of the .graphql file changes