SNESDump Board

A board for use with [].

It is designed completely with through-hole components because that's what most people have lying around.

The routing is ugly because I wanted the board to be compatible with the original code without any changes.

Picture of front of board Picture of rear of board

Bill of Materials

  • Cartridge Slot (1)

    • The cartridge slot can be either
      • A scavenged slot from a real SNES or Super-Famicom
      • A compatible 2.5mm 70-pin slot can be used with the appropriate pins yanked out
        • This slot MUST be 2.5mm pitch (so-called "metric spacing") and not the more common 2.54mm pitch (0.1 inches)
  • Resistors (8)

    • Any 10K resistors will work as long as they can physically fit
  • Shift Registers (3)

    • Any through-hole 74HC595N or compatible will work
    • Use of DIP sockets is recommended to make troubleshooting easier
  • Arduino/Microcontroller

    • You can use either an Arduino Nano or Arduino Pro Micro (or clones thereof) in the indicated footprint
    • For obvious reasons you can't use both at the same time
    • It is highly recommended to mount the microcontroller on headers so it can be removed later
  • Decoupling Capacitor (optional)

    • an electrolytic capacitor with a rating of at least 6.3v and a value from 0.1uF to 10uF will improve the general stability of the reader


SNES Slot Footprint (SNES-CONN-EXP.kicad_mod) is distributed under the terms of CERN OHL v.1.2.

Arduino Pro Mini symbol and footprint (used as reference, not in final board output) is from SnapEDA and distributed under their license.

Unless otherwise specified, all other content herein is (C) 2022 Matthew Nielsen and is distributed under the terms of CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Sale of this board is NOT ALLOWED

I'm annoyed that I need to write this, but I do:


You ARE ALLOWED to make copies of this board for your personal use, give them to your friends, hand them out for free to strangers on the street, or any other purpose so long as you neither ask for nor receive payment of any kind.

You ARE NOT ALLOWED to make copies and sell them. Period. Whether you sell them for a profit or for a loss, it is not allowed. Whether you charge "for materials", "for time/labour", "for shipping and handling", it is not allowed.