pulumi-docker-build - Example of issues with promise in Dockerfile

Open in GitHub Codespaces

How to test ?

I recommend to run this inside a DevContainer or in a Codespace because it automatically compile the "patched" binary. NOTE: This DevContainer is unfortunately slow to build and the first run can also be slow.

yarn install
pulumi up

If you want to use the latest release of the pulumi-docker-build, change the version inside the package.json then run yarn install.

What has been tested ?

  • [OK] Build an image with Dockerfile, without context and without build on preview
  • [OK] Build an image without Dockerfile nor context and without build on preview
  • [OK] Build an image without Dockerfile, with context and without build on preview
  • [OK] Build an image with Dockerfile with unknown values, with context and without build on preview
  • [KO] Build an image with Dockerfile with unknown values, without context and without build on preview
  • [OK] Build an image with Dockerfile, without context and with build on preview
  • [OK] Build an image without Dockerfile nor context and with build on preview
  • [OK] Build an image without Dockerfile, with context and with build on preview
  • [KO] Build an image with Dockerfile with unknown values, with context and with build on preview
  • [OK] Build an image with Dockerfile with unknown values, without context and with build on preview