Octopress in Docker

octopress-in-docker is a helper utility for using octopress in docker, which is for anyone who was struggling for maintaining an environment for octopress, with docker it's much easier than ever before.

octopress-in-docker consisits of two parts, a docker image (xupeng/octopress) and a helper script for easier usage, you need Python, pip and docker to use it.


pip install git+https://github.com/xupeng/octopress-in-docker.git#egg=octopress-in-docker

Suppose your octopress source is in directory /octopress ($OCTOPRESS), then you can run any octopress supported commands with oid, which is the helper script for easier docker usage, for example:

oid -r $OCTOPRESS rake generate

to generate HTML files, and

oid -r $OCTOPRESS rake preview

for live preview and there is a HTTP service listening on port 4000.

Please run oid --help for further information, and keep http://octopress.org/ as reference.