
This is a collection of Matlab functions that are useful in the development of target tracking algorithms.


Tracker Component Library Release 5.3, February 2023 https://github.com/USNavalResearchLaboratory/TrackerComponentLibrary

A paper describing a number of features of the library is
D. F. Crouse, "The Tracker Component Library: Free Routines for Rapid Prototyping," IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 18-27, May. 2017.

These are the release notes for the version 5.3 of the Tracker Component Library. The Tracker Component Library is a collection of Matlab routines for simulating and tracking targets in various scenarios. Due to the complexity of the target tracking problem, a great many routines can find use in other areas including combinatorics, astronomy, and statistics.

Making this code available and open source is in the spirit of OMB M-16-21, which can be viewed online at: https://sourcecode.cio.gov/

Those looking for magnetic field synthesis code might want to look at ./Sample Code/Magnetic Models/ .

WHen released, a limited distribution version of this library will be made available on Navy Lift to Department of Defense employees and contractors at: https://repo.lift.mhpcc.hpc.mil/stash/projects/TCL/repos/tracker-component-library/

Those looking to get a quick idea of a very simple end-to-end tracking algorithm (track initiation, data association, maintenance, and termination) might want to look at ./Sample Code/Basic Tracking Examples/demo2DIntegratedDataAssociation.m to see an example of a complete GNN-JIPDAF tracker run on a simple 2D tracking scenario, which can be easily transformed into a normal JIPDAF by changing a single parameter. The tracker is made from the modular components of the library. A lot of other sample code is also provided to demonstrate the use of other parts of the library.

To use the full library, add the library and all of its subfolders to your active path in Matlab. Some functions are available as C/C++ files for use in Matlab either because they use third-party libraries (and must be compiled to be used) or because the native Matlab implementations provided are too slow in certain circumstances. These files can be compiled by running the CompileCLibraries function. Precompiled code is not distributed with the library. Note that a C/C++ compiler supported by Matlab must be installed. See below for comments regarding compilation.


  • Bug fixes.
  • Many new functions related to cubature integration over triangles, tetrahedra, cubes, pyramids, and prisms.
  • Functions for unconstrained and equality constrained semidefinite quadratic programming allowing one to get various solutions with semidefQuadProgUnconst and semidefQuadProgEqConst.
  • 2D integer quadratic programming both unconstrained and with non- negativity constraints in convexQuadProgIntegerNoConst2D.
  • Functions related to triangles on a sphere and in Euclidean geometry including spherTriangArea4Angles, spherTriangArea4Sides, triangleArea4Sides,spherTriSides4Angles, sideAngles2SpherTriangArea and others.
  • The function bivarGaussRectangleCDF for computing the integral of the PDF of a bivariate Gaussian distribution over a rectangular region.
  • The function fitHypersphere2SurfPoints to fit a sphere to given points.
  • The chain rule for multivariate second derivatives is in HessianChainRule.
  • Functions for bivariate Gaussian copula in Gaussian2C.


The compilation of the library has been tested under Matlab2021b under Windows 10 using minGW64 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2022. The code will probably compiler under Mac OS X and Linux. Precompiled code is not distributed with the library.


Almost all of the function in the library work without any external resources. However, the folder ./Mathematical_Functions/Polynomials/Generic_Multivariate_Polynomials/ contains the function solvePolySysWithExtProg. This is an interface to external solvers for simultaneous multivariate polynomial systems. The solvers are external programs and are not included. Though the functions polyRootsMultiDim and solveQuadBivarEq can solver certain types of simultaneous multivariate polynomials, they are limited. For more general systems, an external solver is the best choice. The functions polyMeasConvert, polyMeasConvertAsync, and DopplerOnlyInit6D are located in subfolders entitled 'Uses_External_Solver" and use the function solvePolySysWithExtProg. Supported external solvers for the function solvePolySysWithExtProg are PHCpack, Bertini, and the certified solver in Macaulay2. Note that Macaulay2 tends to fail more often than the other solvers.

The solvers can be downloaded from: PHCpack for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux: http://homepages.math.uic.edu/~jan/download.html Bertini (version 1.5) for Mac OS X and Linux and Windows, only with Cygwin: https://bertini.nd.edu/download.html Macaulay2 for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Macaulay2/

For the external solvers to work, they need to be added to the search path used in Matlab so that the phs/bertini/m2 commands can be called using the system command in Matlab.


If the library was downloaded without associated data files for solar system ephemerides as well as magnetic, gravitational and terrain models, then the relevant data files will have to be downloaded The original sources of the data are:

  1. Earth2014 terrain model: https://geodesy.curtin.edu.au/research/harmonic-topography/ The files Earth2014.BED2014.degree2160.bshc, Earth2014.ICE2014.degree2160.bshc, Earth2014.RET2014.degree2160.bshc, Earth2014.SUR2014.degree2160.bshc, Earth2014.TBI2014.degree2160.bshc should be placed into ./Terrain/data . Though data files to degree and order 10,800 are also available, they are not currently supported as the function spherHarmonicEval does not use extended precision arithmetic, which is required to avoid overflows when using the model.

  2. EGM2008 terrain model (The DTM2006.0 model): http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/first_release.html The file Coeff_Height_and_Depth_to2190_DTM2006.0 should be placed into ./Terrain/data . The first time using the getEGM2008TerrainCoeffs function will be significantly slower than subsequent calls, assuming the full model is loaded the first time.

  3. The EMM2017 magnetic field coefficients: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/EMM/ The coefficients are included with the software that is provided. The files having names like EMM2015.COF and EMM2000.COF should all be zipped into an archive with the name EMM_Coefficients.zip and placed in ./Magnetism/data . The files with names like EMM2015SV.COF andEMM2000SV.COF should all be zipped into an archive with the name EMM_Secular_Variations.zip and placed into ./Magnetism/data . If all of the data for a single year is loaded, then a .mat file containing the data is placed in the data folder to speed up subsequent calls to the function.

  4. The IGRF13 magnetic field coefficients: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html The file http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf13coeffs.txt can be downloaded and placed into the folder ./Magnetism/data .

  5. The WMM2020 magnetic field coefficients: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/ The coefficient file WMM2020COF.zip shown be downloaded, unzipped and the file WMM.COF placed into ./Magnetism/data .

  6. EGM2008 gravitational coefficients http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/egm08_wgs84.html Download the file EGM2008_to2190_TideFree.gz, which is under "EGM2008 Tide Free Spherical Harmonic Coefficients". Decompress the file and place it in ./Gravity/data .

  7. EGM96 gravitational coefficients http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm96/egm96.html The file egm96.z should be downloaded and decompressed, resulting in a file names egm96 without an extension, which should be placed in ./Gravity/data .

  8. EGM2008 parameters needed to convert height anomalies to geoid undulations: http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/egm08_wgs84.html The "Correction Model" file Zeta-to-N_to2160_egm2008.gz should be downloaded, ungzipped and placed in ./Gravity/data .

  9. EGM96 parameters needed to convert height anomalies to geoid undulations: http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm96/egm96.html The file corrcoef.z should be decompressed and placed in ./Gravity/data .

  10. NASA JPL's DE430t planetary/solar/lunar ephemerides ftp://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/eph/planets/Linux/de430t The file linux_p1550p2650.430t should be downloaded and placed in ./Astronomical Code/data for use by the readJPLEphem function. The readJPLEphem function can read other NASA ephemerides, but the DE430t set are the default.

  11. NASA JPL's GL0900C gravitational model of the Moon http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/missions/grail/default.htm Download the file jggrx_0900c_sha.tab and place it in ./Gravity/data .

  12. The FES2004 tide model of the effects of ocean Earth tides. http://maia.usno.navy.mil/conv2010/convupdt/convupdt_c6.html The file fes2004_Cnm-Snm.dat should be downloaded and placed in ./Gravity/Tides/data .

  13. The Hipparcos 2 Star Catalog http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/Cat?I/311 Place the file hip2.dat in ./Astronomical Code/data .

  14. A 5400X2700 image of the Earth. The August, Blue Marble Next Generation with Topography and Bathymetry from NASA: https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/images/73776/august-blue-marble-next-generation-w-topography-and-bathymetry Name the file NASABlueMarble.jpg and place the file in Misc/data . This is used as the default map to show on the Earth given by the plotMapOnEllipsoid function.

February 2023 David F. Crouse, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C.


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Derived works shall not identify themselves in a manner that implies an endorsement by or an affiliation with the Naval Research Laboratory.