[CVPRW 2021] Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution

Primary LanguagePython


PyTorch implementation of "Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution", NTIRE workshop at CVPR 2021 (oral). [pdf], [demo video].


1. We develop a Siamese network equipped with a bi-directional PAM to super-resolve both left and right images.

2. We propose an inline occlusion handling scheme to deduce occlusions from parallax attention maps.

3. We design several illuminance-robust losses to enhance stereo consistency. [demo video]

4. Our iPASSR significantly outperforms PASSRnet with a comparable model size.

Download the Results

We share the quantitative and qualitative results achieved by our iPASSR on all the test sets for both 2xSR and 4xSR. Then, researchers can compare their algorithms to our method without performing inference. Results are available at Google Drive and Baidu Drive (Key: NUDT).


  • PyTorch 1.3.0, torchvision 0.4.1. The code is tested with python=3.7, cuda=9.0.
  • Matlab (For training/test data generation and performance evaluation)


  • Download the training sets from Baidu Drive (Key: NUDT) and unzip them to ./data/train/.
  • Run ./data/train/GenerateTrainingPatches.m to generate training patches.
  • Run train.py to perform training. Checkpoint will be saved to ./log/.


  • Download the test sets and unzip them to ./data. Here, we provide the full test sets used in our paper on Google Drive and Baidu Drive (Key: NUDT).
  • Run test.py to perform a demo inference. Results (.png files) will be saved to ./results.
  • Run evaluation.m to calculate PSNR and SSIM scores.

Some Useful Recources


We hope this work can facilitate the future research in stereo image SR. If you find this work helpful, please consider citing:

    author    = {Wang, Yingqian and Ying, Xinyi and Wang, Longguang and Yang, Jungang and An, Wei and Guo, Yulan},
    title     = {Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {766-775}


Any question regarding this work can be addressed to wangyingqian16@nudt.edu.cn.