
Tensorflow tutorial of building different dynamic recurrent neural network

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

##Tensorflow tutorial to build any model from scratch.

##In this repo these are presented

  1. Dynamic Vanilla RNN ---> Notebook , Code
  2. Dynamic GRU ---> Notebook , Code
  3. Dynamic LSTM ---> Notebook , Code
  4. Dynamic 2layerStacked LSTM ---> Notebook , Code
  5. Dynamic BiDirectional LSTM ---> Notebook , Code
  6. Tensorboard Example --->Notebook

These RNN, GRU, LSTM and 2layer Stacked LSTM is implemented with 8 by 8 MNIST dataset for checking.

This repository contains the simple example of dynamic seqence and batch vhanilla RNN,GRU, LSTM,2layer Stacked LSTM, BiDirectional LSTM written in tensorflow using scan and map ops.

Every folder contains with .python file and ipython notebook for convenience.

This examples gives a very good understanding of the implementation of Dynamic RNN in tensorflow. These code can be extended to create neural stack machine, neural turing machine, RNN-EMM in tensorflow.

####For any questions please ask them on twitter and I will love to answer those. Follow me on twitter for more updates.