
Mario written using LWJGL and Jade: for Youtube series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyKE7vz65rY&list=PLtrSb4XxIVbp8AKuEAlwNXDxr99e3woGE

Primary LanguageJava

Coding a 2D Game Engine in Java

This is the repository for a YouTube series here. If you want to run the code yourself follow these instructions:

To Run

  1. You must have Gradle 6.3+ and Java 1.8+ installed. If you do not have these installed, you should install them and add them to your environment variables.
    • Once you have them installed you should be able to run:

      gradle --version


      java -version

      And get no errors.

  2. Open a Command Prompt in the projects root directory.
    • If you run ls (Mac, Linux) or dir (Windows) you should see libs, src, and assets listed as part of the output.
  3. Run:

    gradle fatJar

    • This will create a fat JAR containing all the dependencies for the project.
  4. Run

    java -jar build/libs/mario-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar

    • This should open a new Window with the Mario game running.