
NewsletterSaver is a mail dumper for converter selected mails in local html files.

Primary LanguageC#


NewsletterSaver is a mail dumper for converter selected mails in local html files. The intend was save mail newsletters to Dropbox public folder. With ifttt I send new Dropbox elements to Pocket for revisions.

You can configure the program with a config file. You must indicate the file path to the config file.

newslettersaver.exe c:\tmp\config.cfg

You can use NLog.config file to config log output. See [NLog] (nlog-project.org/) for further information.

If you want automatic execution, use Windows's task scheculer or similar.

I try coding with TDD, buy was my second using of TDD in no-kata project and I have a lot to learn. Last functionality and improvements haven't test.

License: WTFPL