TestCalendarCustomModal is a plugin to test the "AppointmentCustomModal" plugin slot. It is only for test purposes.
Minimum ILIAS Version: 5.3.0
Maximum ILIAS Version: 5.3.999
Responsible Developer: Jesús López Reyes - lopez@leifos.com
Supported Languages: This plugin does not support any language. All text is hardcoded in the php files.
Unzip the file and copy the folder in <ILIAS_directory>/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Calendar/AppointmentCustomModal
or git clone this repository inside the directory <ILIAS_directory>/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Calendar/AppointmentCustomModal/
This plugin can be activated as usual.
This plugin add/change content in the default appointment presentation (modals). Modifications are visible in the Personal Desktop calendar and in the marginal calendar located in courses and groups.