
Text Processing Language

Primary LanguageC++


TPL is Text Processing Language

Field Extraction

Example 1

#include <vector>               // std::vector
#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <tpl/regex/Match.h> // minimization of including tpl

using namespace tpl;

void main()
  std::vector<double> values; // you can change vector to other stl containers.

  if ( "-.1 -0.1 +32. -22323.2e+12" >> real()/append(values) % ws() )
    for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it)
      std::cout << *it << "\n";



What we use:

  • Rules: real(), ws(), operator %
  • Actions: /append(Container)
  • Matching: operator >>

Example 2

#include <vector>               // std::vector
#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <tpl/regex/Match.h> // minimization of including tpl

using namespace tpl;

void main()
  std::vector<double> values; // you can change vector to other stl containers.
  if ( " -.1 , -0.1 , +32. , -22323.2e+12 " >> skipws_[real()/append(values) % gr(',')] )
    for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it)
      std::cout << *it << "\n";



What we use:

  • Rules: real(), ','
  • Grammars: gr(Rule), operator %
  • Skipper: skipws_[] (syntax: Skipper[Grammar])
  • Actions: /append(Container)
  • Matching: operator >>

Data Validation

Example 1

#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <tpl/regex/Match.h> // minimization of including tpl

using namespace tpl;

void validation_example_1(const char* str)
  if (str == integer())
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is an integer value.\n";
  else if (str == real())
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is a real value.\n";
    std::cout << "  " << str << " isn't a numeric value.\n";

void main()


  -135 is an integer value.
  +.23e-23 is a real value.
  -.1.e23 isn't a numeric value.

What we use:

  • Rules: integer(), real()
  • Matching: operator ==

Example 2

#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <tpl/regex/Match.h> // minimization of including tpl

using namespace tpl;

void validation_example_2(const char* str)
  int val;
  if (str == integer()/assign(val) && val >= 1 && val <= 12)
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is an integer value between 1 to 12.\n";
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is not valid data.\n";

void main()


  3 is an integer value between 1 to 12.
  13 is not valid data.
  -135 is not valid data.
  +.23e-23 is not valid data.

What we use:

  • Rules: integer()
  • Actions: /assign(Variable)
  • Matching: operator ==

Example 3

#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <tpl/regex/Match.h> // minimization of including tpl
#include <boost/spirit/phoenix.hpp>

using namespace phoenix;
using namespace tpl;

void validation_example_3(const char* str)
  if (str == integer()/meet(arg1 >= 1 && arg1 <= 12))
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is an integer value between 1 to 12.\n";
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is not valid data.\n";

void main()


  3 is an integer value between 1 to 12.
  13 is not valid data.
  -135 is not valid data.
  +.23e-23 is not valid data.

What we use:

  • Rules: integer()
  • Predicate: /meet(Condition)
  • Matching: operator ==
  • Boost Phoenix: arg1 >= 1 && arg1 <= 12

If you don't want to use Boost Phoenix, you can:

void validation_example_3(const char* str)
  if (str == integer()/(ge(1) && le(12)))
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is an integer value between 1 to 12.\n";
    std::cout << "  " << str << " is not valid data.\n";

What we use:

  • Rules: integer()
  • Predicate: ge(Value) (GreatThan or EqualTo), le(Value) (LessThan or EqualTo), operator &&
  • Matching: operator ==

Data Extraction (DOM)

#include <tpl/c/Lex.h>
#include <tpl/regex/DOM.h>

using namespace tpl;

void main()
  typedef DOM<> dom;

  const char source[] = "class Foo : public Base1, Base2 {};";
  dom::Mark tagName("name");
  dom::NodeMark tagBase("base", true);
    dom::Mark tagAccess("access");
    //dom::Mark tagName("name");
  dom::Allocator alloc;
  dom::Document doc(alloc);

  if (
    source >> cpp_skip_
        gr(c_symbol()/eq("class")) + c_symbol()/tagName + ':' +
          !gr(c_symbol()/(eq("public")||eq("private"))/tagAccess) + c_symbol()/tagName
        )/tagBase % ',' +
        '{' + '}' + ';'
    NS_STDEXT::OutputLog log;
    json_print(alloc, log, doc);


  "name": "Foo",
      "access": "public",
      "name": "Base1"
      "name": "Base2"

What we use:

  • Rules: c_symbol(), ':'
  • Grammars: gr(Rule), operator %, operator +, operator !
  • Skipper: cpp_skip_[] (syntax: Skipper[Grammar])
  • Predicate: /eq(Value), operator||
  • Mark: /Mark, /NodeMark, /Document
  • Matching: operator >>
  • DOM Formatter: json_print

Demo: Calculator

See http://winx.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/tpl/examples/calculator/Calc.cpp.

#include <cmath>                // sin, cos, pow
#include <deque>                // std::deque
#include <iostream>     // std::cout
#include <functional>   // std::plus, std::minus, etc
#include <algorithm>    // std::max_element
#include <tpl/ext/Calculator.h>

using namespace tpl;

double max_value(const double x[], int count)
  return *std::max_element(x, x+count);

void calculator(const char* szExpr)
  typedef SimpleImplementation impl;

  // ---- define rules ----

  std::deque<double> stk;

  impl::Grammar::Var rFactor;

  impl::Grammar rTerm =
    rFactor + *(
      '*' + rFactor/calc<std::multiplies>(stk) | 
      '/' + rFactor/calc<std::divides>(stk) );

  impl::Grammar rExpr =
    rTerm + *(
      '+' + rTerm/calc<std::plus>(stk) |
      '-' + rTerm/calc<std::minus>(stk) );

  int arity;
  impl::Rule rFun =
    "sin"/calc(stk, sin, arity) | "cos"/calc(stk, cos, arity) |
    "pow"/calc(stk, pow, arity) | "max"/calc(stk, max_value, arity);

  rFactor =
    real()/append(stk) |
    '-' + rFactor/calc<std::negate>(stk) |
    '(' + rExpr + ')' |
    (gr(c_symbol()) + '(' + rExpr % ','/assign(arity) + ')')/(gr(rFun) + '(') |
    '+' + rFactor;

  // ---- do match ----

  try {
    if ( szExpr != skipws_[rExpr] )
      std::cerr << ">>> ERROR: invalid expression!\n";
      std::cout << stk.back() << '\n';
  catch (const std::logic_error& e) {
    std::cerr << ">>> ERROR: " << e.what() << '\n';

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  if (argc == 2) {
    return 0;
  else {
    for (;;)
      std::string strExp;
      std::cout << "input an expression (q to quit): ";
      if (!std::getline(std::cin, strExp) || strExp == "q") {
        std::cout << '\n';
        return 0;


Input: 2 - 3 * 4
Output: -10

Input: max(1, pow(3, 2), cos(-2) * 0.2 - 1)
Output: 9

What we use:

  • Rules: real(), c_symbol(), "sin", '*'
  • Grammars: gr(Rule), operator %, operator +, operator |, unary operator *
  • Skipper: skipws_[] (syntax: Skipper[Grammar])
  • Actions: /append(Container), /assign(Variable), /calc(Stack), /calc(Stack, Function, Arity)
  • Restriction: /(gr(rFun) + '(') (syntax: Grammar/Grammar)
  • Reference: impl::Grammar::Var
  • Matching: operator !=