
A wrapper that allows Godot to use NVIDIA VRWorks raytraced audio directly from GDScript

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GodotNVAR is a wrapper for the NVIDIA VRWorks Audio library for raytraced 3D audio. Current code is written for Godot 3.2.2, and may need to be adjusted for other versions.

Note: This project is incomplete, and I'm not currently working on it. I'm publishing it in case it's helpful for anyone else. Right now there's enough done to attempt testing, but sending Godot geometry to NVAR results in a crash within the NVAR library that I haven't been able to solve.

To use:

Compile and add the generated DLL as a GDNative library in Godot, along with nvar.dll and optix.6.0.0.dll provided in the VRWorks Audio download. All methods registered within _register_methods can be called from GDScript. See the NVAR SDK guide and related documentation for further usage details.

To compile this library:

Instructions for setting up your build environment can be found in the godot compilation guide, and a thorough guide on how to compile a GDNative library can be found in the godot-cpp readme. Here's some quick simplified instructions for x64 Windows:

  1. From a terminal, download the repo with git. Use the --recursive flag to also download the necessary submodules.

     git clone --recursive [repo_link]
  2. Compile the Godot C++ bindings library.

     cd GodotNVAR/godot-cpp
     scons platform=<target-platform> generate_bindings=yes -j6

The resulting library will be created in godot-cpp/bin/, and will differ according to your selected platform.

  1. Compile the GodotNVAR GDNative library. These commands need to be run from x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019, or the similar environment for your platform and installation.

     cd GodotNVAR
     cl /Fosrc/GodotNVAR.obj /c src/GodotNVAR.cpp /nologo -EHsc -DNDEBUG /MDd /Igodot-cpp\include /Igodot-cpp\include\core /Igodot-cpp\include\gen /Igodot-cpp\godot_headers /Iinclude
     link /nologo /dll /out:bin\GodotNVAR.dll /implib:bin\GodotNVAR.lib src\GodotNVAR.obj lib\nvar.lib godot-cpp\bin\<godot-cpp-bindings>

You'll need to replace <godot-cpp-bindings> with the name of the file that was created in the previous step. For your release build, replace /MDd with /MD to create a binary without debug symbols which will run faster and be smaller.

This creates the file GodotNVAR.dll in your GodotNVAR/bin directory, which can then be added into Godot as a GDNative library.