
Background scripts for multiple watch faces

Primary LanguageLua


A collection of background scripts for my Watchmaker faces. I've got a Huawei Watch, all my watch faces are designed for that resolution and shape. Files are not indented at all because Watchmaker's interpreter complains about any initial whitespace when I copy the scripts in. I've tried to keep the formatting clear via extra newlines to minimize confusion.

Text Clock

A 12- or 24-hour text-based clock, with up to four lines of text centered vertically. Currently using BebasNeue size 72 for the font, so spacing has that in mind.


  • Add lower/uppercase configurability
  • Generalize time-to-text conversion for use in stopwatch and other systems

Sun and Moon

Tracks the rotation values for a sun/moon pair that arc across the top half of the face according to weather's sunrise and sunset times. Also provides angle values for a corresponding shadow to be applied to visible elements.