
Semantic Objects Modeling Language

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Semantic Objects Modeling Language


The Semantic Objects Modeling Language (SOML) is a simple YAML-based language for describing business objects (business entities, domain objects) that are handled using semantic technologies and GraphQL. SOML is the language of the Ontotext Platform.

The Ontotext Platform helps create knowledge graphs in an easier way, both using and enabling text analytics to interlink and enrich knowledge graphs, and enabling better search, exploration, classification, and recommendation across diverse information spaces.

Version 3.0 of the Platform was released at the end of 2019 and is under active develoment and evolution.

This blog goes in-depth on SOML: motivates the use of SOML, describes some tricky points of SOML usage and GraphQL deficiencies, and introduces some SOML tooling for generating SOML (tsv2soml) and mapping RDF data (soml-map)


We often are asked why we had to introduce yet another object modeling language? Why didn’t we use existing semantic web mechanisms such as ontologies (RDFS or OWL) or shapes (SHACL or SHEX), or schema mechanisms such as GraphQL schema, JSON schema and the like? The answer is multi-fold:

Semantic models are more than ontologies
Every sizable semantic project (and many LOD datasets) use a number of ontologies together. While ontologies describe the vocabulary of classes and properties to use, extra mechanisms are required to describe how these elements are put together, and what are the data expectations about different kinds of nodes in the graph. One could do some of that with ontologies, e.g. use OWL property cardinalities, complex OWL classes to define polymorphic domains and ranges, and XSD datatype constructions to describe literal patterns. However, the inferential rather than validation semantics of RDFS and OWL and their inherent complexity have led people to use application profiles and RDF shapes instead.
Lack of standardization
While there are several implementations of GraphQL querying over RDF, each of them does it in a different way and there is no standardization. The TopQuadrant GraphQL to SHACL mapping comes close to using SHACL for generating GraphQL schemas, but still uses custom extensions. Definitive mappings between SHACL and SHEX are not available. The Bridging GraphQL and RDF W3C Community Group has been launched (Jan 2020) with the mission to close this gap, and hopefully define standard mappings/crosswalks between SHACL, SHEX and GraphQL schemas and validation mechanisms. We plan to participate actively in this group.
Freedom to innovate
Our ambition is for the Ontotext platform to cover a wide variety of enterprise features. To be able to develop them at our own pace, we need a language where we can add such innovations. Examples include data validation based on RDF shapes (generated from SOML); Role-Based Access Control (RBAC); faceting, autocompletion and full-text search; aggregation; distribution of data to various stores through GraphDB Connectors and/or GraphQL Federation.
Technology independence
Flowing from the previous reason, we’d like SOML to be technology-independent to some degree. While we don’t aim for a theoretical develpment that lives in a technological vacuum, we need to be able to generate a number of technical artefacts from the same business-level model.

Similar Schema Languages

A number of schema languages have appeared recently that are based on YAML, express business-level object models that are somewhat independent of technological choices, and can render the models to a variety of schema technologies:

What is SOML

At present SOML is very simple, but will evolve to include more features. The overall structure of a SOML file (schema) is shown below.

# comment
id:          /soml/<identifier>
label:       some name
created:     yyyy-mm-dd
updated:     yyyy-mm-dd
creator:     name and/or URL
versionInfo: version

# comment
  base_iri:     <base>
  vocab_iri:    <vocab>
  vocab_prefix: <voc>
  ontology_iri: <ontology>
  shape_iri:    <shape>
  <pfx>:        <namespace>

# datatypes
  <type>:       {rdf: <xsd-type>,    graphql: <GQL-type>, descr: "...", graphqlExtension: <boolean>}
  <union-type>: {union: [<type>...], graphql: <GQL-type>, descr: "..."}

# common property definitions
  <prop>:  {label: "...", descr: "...", range: <datatype|Obj>, rangeCheck: <boolean>, typeCast: <boolean>,
            kind: (object|literal|mixed), min: <default 0>, max: <default 1>,
            inverseAlias: <prop>, inverse: <prop>, rdfProp: pfx:prop, symmetric: <boolean>, regex: '<regex>', prefix: "<string>"}

# object class definitions
  <Obj>:  {label: "...", descr: "...", regex: '<regex>', prefix: "<string>",
           typeProp: <prop>, type: [<iri>...], name: <prop>, inherits: <Obj>, kind: (abstract|supertype)}
      <prop>: ...

From this schema the Platform generates a complex GraphQL schema including a fairly complete querying language that allows you to find any kind of object, filter, order, navigate through the KG, and do pagination (limit, offset).

You can find details in the SOML documentation, while below we describe some tricky points of SOML usage and GraphQL deficiencies, and some tooling.

Complex Schema (Company Graph)

To introduce the proper context for this blog (working with complex SOML schemas), we’ll describe the Ontotext Company Graph (ONTO CG) ontology and model. It’s a medium-high complexity data model that reuses 14 ontologies and adds classes and props of its own. Of its 24 classes and 150 props, about half are reused and half are created especially for CG. It’s fairly typical data model for the kind of projects that Ontotext deals with.

Creating the ONTO CG knowledge graph is part of the Intelligent Matching and Linking of Company Data (CIMA) research project. We are integrating data from open and a few proprietary datasets. The emphasis of the project is on financial transactions, industrial classification, company size/importance observations (e.g. annual sales, number of employees), etc.

The following table shows the count of classes and properties defined by the ONTO-CG ontology, as well as those reused from other ontologies.

cgOntotext Company Graph1270
admsAsset Description Metadata Schema11
dcatData Catalog Vocabulary3
dctDublin Core Terms8
locnW3C Location Ontology18
orgW3C Core Organization Ontology15
qbW3C Cube Ontology11
rovW3C Registered Organization14
skosSimple Knowledge Organization System16
timeW3C Time Ontology2
voidVocabulary of Interlinked Datasets17
wgs84World Geodetic Survey2

ONTO CG builds upon the results of the euBusinessGraph project. The euBusinessGraph semantic model and dataset covers the following (we have submitted a description of it to a prominent journal on semantic technologies):

  • Basic firmography (legal names, preferred name)
  • Basic person info
  • Geography, address, hieararchical administrative divisions
  • Company legal type and status
  • Industry classification (based on NACE)
  • Identifiers from Official registers and others
  • Company officers and directors (positions, using org:Membership)
  • Datasets, providers, dataset descriptions

ONTO-CG steps on the euBusinessGraph model and adds the following:

  • IdentifierSystems: We extend the euBusinessGraph idea of generalized identifiers to record any kind of potentially useful identification info in a generic way: phone, email, website, blog, logo/image; profile links and identifiers in various external systems such as: Wikidata, DBpedia, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, Github, CrunchBase, OpenCorporates, Thomson Reuters permid (TR), ISO 10383 Market Identifier Code (MIC); research-oriented identifiers such as CrossRef funder, Microsoft Academic Graph, Global Research Identifier Database (GRID), Research Organization Registry (ROR), Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
  • cg:StockExchange: a Stock exchange where companies can offer shares or other securities. We record MIC and TR exchange codes as identifiers.
  • cg:Event and cg:EventAppearance: Conference, workshop, meetup, etc where the work of a certain person or company may be highlighted.
  • gn:Feature: While the euBusinessGraph geographic hierarchy is based on EuroStat NUTS and LAU, ONTO-CG uses Geonames locations to implement geographic matching, auto-completion and faceting. We are particularly interested in the 3 levels Country, Region, City that we have defined as particular lists of gn:featureCodes (e.g. Country corresponds to gn:A.PCLI, gn:A.PCLD, gn:A.PCLIX, gn:A.PCLS, gn:A.PCL, gn:A.TERR, gn:A.PCLF).
  • cg:AcademicQualification: Academic degree (completed or not) of a person at a scholl in an academic major.
  • qb:Observation: Statistical or other observation about an object (typically company), such as annual sales, number of employees, etc. May be for a particular year, point in time, or without date (current).
  • cg:Transaction: Financial transaction that gives money to a company in return for shares or other consideration.
  • cg:OrganizationRelation: Relation between two agents. For asymmetric relations we use two fields “agentMinor” (e.g. subsidiary, owned, supplier) and “agentMajor” (e.g. parent, owner, customer); for symmetric relations we use the field “agent” twice. Usually these are Organizations, but “owner” could involve Persons.
  • Sourcing (provenance) for each node:
    • void:Dataset: Dataset as source of entities
    • void:Linkset: Linkset as source of identifiers (links)
    • cg:SourceMatch: Cluster of matched lower-level entities as the source of a higher-level entity.

In addition to the above new classes, ONTO-CG adds:

  • A 2-level data model where data from individual datasets sits at a lower (KG-building) level, and after matching and data fusion is promoted at a higher (data consumption) level.
  • Various extra fields, e.g. cg:geoPrecision “Precision of geo coordinates in meters (e.g. street address or building -> 30.8)” to complement ebg:geoResolution “Resolution of geo coordinates as a categorial value (e.g. building -> <resolution/L9>)”
  • Various flags, e.g. for Organization (cg:isResearch), Position (cg:isCurrent, cg:isPrimary), AcademicQualification (cg:isCompleted), ExchangeListing, OrganizationRelation (cg:isCurrent)
  • Business nomenclatures (skos:ConceptScheme): Organization Type, Legal Form, Organization Status, Industry, Investor Type, Geo Coordinate Resolution, Address Type, Observation Type, Gender, Event Type, Event Appearance Type, Position Type, Transaction Type, Relation Type

The full CG schema is included: CG.yaml. Below we show a couple of typical examples.

Example Class:

  label: "Exchange Listing"
  inherits: Transaction
  type: [cg:ExchangeListing]
  descr: "Public offering (IPO, SPO etc) wheres the company receives money from the wide public, and as a result is listed for trading on an exchange"
      label: "exchange"
      range: StockExchange
      min: 1
      rdfProp: cg:exchange
      descr: "Stock exchange"
      label: "stock symbol"
      range: string
      rdfProp: cg:stockSymbol
      descr: "Stock symbol (ticker). TODO: this should also be represented as an Identifier?"
      label: "valuation (MUSD)"
      range: decimal
      rdfProp: cg:valuation
      descr: "Company valuation at IPO in MUSD"
      label: "valuation (M local currency)"
      range: decimal
      rdfProp: cg:valuationLocal
      descr: "Company valuation at IPO in millions of local currency"
      label: "valuation currency"
      range: string
      rdfProp: cg:valuationCurrency
      descr: "Currency code of the valuation"
      descr: "Date delisted or left this exchange"
      rdfProp: cg:isCurrent
      descr: "Whether the listing is still effective"

If you look closely, you may wonder where the range and RDF mapping of dateEnd is defined. It’s in the list of reusable properties:

properties: # reused props
  dateEnd: {label: "dateCompleted", range: dateOrYearOrMonth, rdfProp: cg:dateEnd}

A more appropriate descr is given at the object level, overriding the generic description.

Example Inverse Alias

A Position is an associative node between Person and Organization that adds more data (not shown):

  label: "Position"
  inherits: BusinessObject
  type: [org:Membership]
  descr: "Position of a person in an organization, former or current"
    person: {label: "person", range: PersonCommon, min: 1, rdfProp: org:member}
    organization: {label: "organization", range: OrganizationCommon, min: 1, rdfProp: org:organization}

To allow navigation in any direction (not just from Position out, but also in), we add inverse aliases:

    position: {label: "position", range: Position, inverseAlias: person}
    position: {label: "position", range: Position, inverseAlias: organization}

Example Diagram: Exchange Listing

For example, the figure below shows the stock exchange listing (IPO) of Apple on the Tokyo exchange and NASDAQ, and the listing of Nasdaq Inc (the company) on NASDAQ (the stock exchange). The data is integrated from Wikidata. This figure is generated from RDF Turtle using rdfpuml (see V.Alexiev, RDF by Example: rdfpuml for True RDF Diagrams, rdf2rml for R2RML Generation, Semantic Web in Libraries (SWIB), Nov 2016.



SOML Tooling


Editing large schemas is often easier to do in a table, even when the schema language is simple. (Also, this enables domain experts to participate in schema authoring, even if only editing the descriptions.)

The CG model was not written by hand, it was generated from a TSV (google sheet).

The sheet has 300 rows, and the generated SOML is 1176 lines. Here’s the beginning of the sheet:


Here is the end of the sheet, which exposes various thesauri (ConceptSchemes) as distinct business classes



Tricky Points and Deficiencies

GraphQL Type vs rdf:type

Single vs Multiple-Value Props

Inverse Aliases


(langString, union datatypes)

Extended Pattern (Prefix + Regex)

IRI Generation

Schema Inclusion/Modularity