
gitcopy doesn't work with capistrano-rvm

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This line of code is the issue...

Since this gem is using capture instead of execute :ruby, '--args' capistrano-rvm cannot plug in the rvm:hook task for this command. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting this one and took a lot of wrong turns trying to get Cap3 to work with a login shell, trying to rewrite the gitcopy:deploy task to include the rvm:hook among others... Once I finally figured out how capistrano-rvm was injecting the call to RVM the solution was an easy one.

If you have any questions, please let me know... I'll be submitting a pull request shortly.

PR submitted... Thanks, @xuwupeng2000.

One question I have regarding this rvm:hook is, if a user is not using RVM, would your changes still work for them?

It will... It simply replaces the capture call with execute :ruby, '--arguments'. If users aren't using capistrano-rvm it will simply work as normal. However, since the line now uses execute :ruby, capistrano-rvm can inject a wrapper around that call to use RVM if necessary.

Awesome !
Thank you

Thanks for merging that in so quickly!