Capsitrano 3 copy scm - tar your git branch and deploy to your server
- 0
Rspec tests are broken
#51 opened by carld - 5
Deprecation Warning
#48 opened by Tuckie - 10
Directory already exist and is not empty
#40 opened by ofostier - 4
git doesn't find a repository to clone in /tmp
#44 opened by agnyp - 3
Doesn't work without remote
#46 opened by cbrunnkvist - 2
tar verbosity when extracting on remote
#47 opened by miks - 4
- 1
- 1
- 3
Installation not work / LoadError: cannot load such file -- capistrano/gitcopy.rb
#37 opened by Bubelbub - 12
Is github not suported?
#16 opened by hcpss-banderson - 3
Delete archives also on deploy failed
#21 opened by shtirlic - 5
gitcopy doesn't work with capistrano-rvm
#22 opened by kbeckman - 0
Testing branch name and making archive
#26 opened by jbaptperez - 3
Empty archive, composer.json not found, Operation not allowed by protocol
#34 opened by webdevilopers - 1
Release SHA status information missing
#35 opened by vraravam - 1
Brand new release -Test please
#36 opened by xuwupeng2000 - 3
Wrong usage of application symbol
#33 opened by webdevilopers - 2
- 2
Build script
#11 opened by yannschepens - 1
"LoadError: cannot load such file -- capistrano/gitcopy.rb" with capistrano 3.3.3
#12 opened by yannschepens