
Repository for my java projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Repository for my java projects

1. NettyMqService

How to implement a message queue service with Netty and RabbitMQ.

中文详情(Chinese Details):

2. IndexSearchService

  1. How to use Elasticsearch.
  2. How to use Solr or Lucene to index and query data.

中文详情(Chinese Details):

3. MapHttpService

A simple Http Map Service providing tile image.

4. WebGISDemo

A simple web GIS page based on leaflet.

中文详情(Chinese Details)

How to use WebGISDemo with MapHttpService:

  1. Start MapHttpService with right datasurce, an example:

    database.dbType=0 # Use SQLite

  2. Publish the page "map.html" to chrome to play.