
  • Author: Yang Xu
  • netID: yx248
  • Data: 02/02/2023
  • Instructor: Rabih Younes
  • Course: ECE650

The Thread-Safe Malloc Implementation:

  For this project, we should implement the Thread-Safe Malloc. We should implement 4 methods:
      Thread Safe malloc/free: locking version:
      void *ts_malloc_lock(size_t size);
      void ts_free_lock(void *ptr);

      Thread Safe malloc/free: non-locking version:
      void *ts_malloc_nolock(size_t size);
      void ts_free_nolock(void *ptr);

  For this project, we should let our best-fit version allocation policy become to thread-save. For multithreading, our policy can work correctly.
  Because the code based on the allocation policy code I have completed, I only need to change a little variable name to seprate lock and non-lock version and add two locks into the original code without changing logical and the other codes.

The locking version methods:
  For the locking version, I add two locks. One is for sbrk function, the other one is for free linked list operation. I think this two locks can let the sbrk function and list operation do not interact at the same time, when an thread is doing sbrk, the other thread cannot do sbrk but it can do other free list operations, so I think it can be faster than only one lock.

  I add a lock lock_fl for all free list operations to let the free list operations at the same time. And add the sbrk lock for sbrk.

  I add a lock lock_fl for free list operation, this lock is for all free list operations, find the correct position and write in the free list.

The non-locking version methods:
  I use the local thread key words to implement this version. I add a new free list, __thread md_t *freeList_lt = NULL; // for local thread, for each thread.

  Because there are separate free list for each thead, so I only changed the original free list to freelist_lt, and add the sbrk lock for sbrk. All freelist operations work in each independent thread, so do not need to care about the other logical and codes.

  I didn't change anything for original best-fit free, because all free list operations are work in each independent thread.

Results from My Performance Experiments

Because my results are so close and multithreading causes the results to fluctuate, I ran them each ten times and got the average of the results.

Analysis of The Results

Execution Time
  For the execution time, the lock version is slower than non-lock version. For the lock version, there are two locks, these locks make the other threads will pause, which will have a longer time. The non-lock version only has one lock for sbrk, so all threads run without any stop except running sbkr at the same time. Therefore, the non-locking version will be faster than locking version.

Data Segment Size
  For the data segment size, the lock version is less than non-lock version. For the lock version, there is only one main free list, so the free list has all free region in the heap, so when do malloc, it can read all free region. However, the non-locking version will separate the free list for each independent thread, so when do the malloc operation, the thread only can read its own free list whose size is much smaller than the total free list, so it will do more times sbrk operation for segment. Therefore, the locking version's data segment size will smaller than non-locking version.

  The locking verion sacrifices execution time and reduces segment size, and the non-locking version sacrifices less segment size and reduces execution time.