
pipeline status

My Zola Web

Installation of Zola on Ubuntu

  1. Download Zola from the official releases page. For example, use zola-v0.18.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz.

  2. Unzip the package:

tar -xzf zola-v0.18.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz

  1. Move Zola to the bin directory:

sudo mv zola /usr/local/bin

For more information, refer to the Zola Official Documentation.

Initial Setup and Running Zola Server

  • Initialize the project:

    zola init project_name

  • Build the project:

    zola build

    • Run the server (default port is 1111):

    zola serve

Theme Installation

  1. Download your chosen theme to the themes directory.

  2. Update the theme variable in the configuration file to match the name of your theme's directory (e.g., themes/kita).

Note: Ensure the theme variable is at the top level of the .toml hierarchy, not nested under sections like [extra] or [markdown].

  1. Follow any additional configuration instructions provided in your theme's documentation.

Theme Usage and Customization

  • To use a theme, add the extends directive in your template HTML files. Modify the blocks to fit the theme's index.

  • For further customization, you can either:

  • Copy the index code from the theme to your index.html file, or

  • Modify the theme files directly.

  • Update the config.toml file in your project's root directory with the theme's config.toml settings. Customize these settings to suit your project's needs.

Website Structure

In the header of the page template, you'll find Home and Projects buttons that enable easy navigation between the Home page and the Projects List page, allowing quick access to any section of the website.

Home Page

  • Overview of the IDS-721 course content. Home Page

Projects List Page

  • Portfolio of IDS-721 course projects. Projects List Page

Project Detail Page

  • Detailed view of a selected project.
  • Direct links to the corresponding Git repository.
  • Back button to return to the project overview list. Project Detail Page

Deployment to GitLab Pages

To deploy your Zola site on GitLab Pages, follow these steps:

  1. Create a .gitlab-ci.yml File: Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of your repository. This file is used by GitLab CI/CD to manage your project's jobs.

  2. Configure the CI/CD Pipeline: Add the following script to your .gitlab-ci.yml file:

    image: ""
      - zola build
        - public

    This script tells GitLab to use a docker image with Zola installed, build your site with Zola, and then store the output in the public directory. Remember to chang the value: "" in ZOLA_VERSION: to value: "0.18.0".

  3. Push to GitLab: Commit and push this file to your GitLab repository.

  4. Check Pipeline Status: After pushing, navigate to CI/CD > Pipelines in your GitLab repository to check the status of your pipeline. Once it's passed, your site is live.

  5. Accessing Your Site: Your site will be available at https://[username][repository-name], where [username] is your GitLab username, and [repository-name] is the name of your GitLab repository.

  6. Custom Domain (Optional): If you wish to use a custom domain, refer to the GitLab Pages Custom Domains documentation for guidance.

For more detailed instructions and configurations, visit the Zola documentation on GitLab Pages deployment.