
Realtime facial motion capture, head pose estimation and rendering of the avatar

Primary LanguageC++


Capture facial motion without markers using monocular or binocular cameras and render a real-time avatar.

This project is still under development.


  • Head pose mimicked by a real-time face mask.
  • (TODO) Facial motion mimicked by a real-time avatar.


  • OpenCV (>=3.2.0)
  • OpenGL
  • GLUT
  • dlib (included)
  • GFrame (included)
  • CMake

How to Compile

This will build all the libraries and executables.

mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install

Running Head Pose Avatar

All executables are installed in build/bin/

Run FaceViewer

./FaceViewer face.obj shaders/ 5055
  • Arguments: ./FaceViewer [obj file] [shaders dirctory] [port number]

Or directly run a default version (same as the above one)


This will

  • Start rendering a face mask.
  • Start a separate thread running a server. It will transform the face model using the pose data sent from the capture client.

Run Capture Client

Open another terminal and run the client for capturing head pose.

  • By default the above command it reads in the pose model file located in current directory, and connected to localhost:5055. You can customize it by running:
./HeadPoseEstimation shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat [ip-address] [port number]

This will

  • Open a camera (by default connected to device 0), capture facial landmark on your face and estimate head pose in realtime.

  • Press key s to start streaming pose data to server so you can see your avatar mimicking your head pose.
