
A Vim plugin for quick opening plugin's page on Github

Primary LanguageVimL

Open plugin page

This plugin allows you to quick open plugin page on github by pressing only two keys. It is useful for exploring of examples of vimrc files. At this moment only vundle-format of plugin specification is supported.


Put cursor on the line with plugin name, i.e. on the line like:

Plugin 'xvadim/open_plugin_page'

and press o (in the normal mode). The Github-page of plugin will be opened in your default web-browser.


You can change the manual-invocation mapping by adding this to your .vimrc:

map <Leader>foo <Plug>OpenPluginPage

where <Leader>foo is the mapping you want.

You can change the command for browser opening:

leg g:g:opp_open_command = "open"


Copy the contents of archive into ~/.vim or use Vundle:

Plugin 'xvadim/open_plugin_page'