
This application provides for the users a possibility to create bootstrap-tours for every page they want (see http://bootstraptour.com/ for a preview).

Primary LanguageJava

Tour Application

This application provides for the users a possibility to create bootstrap-tours for every page they want.


How to build

mvn clean install -Pquality --settings maven-settings.xml

Commit new translations

To get the translations done on the l10n.xwiki.org website and commit them into the application, you need to execute the get-translations.sh command:

## Get the translations

## Look at the new translations
git status

## Add changes (example)
git add src/main/resources/TourCode/TourTranslations.fr.xml

## Commit changes
git commit

## Push them (or make a pull request)
git push origin master

It should be done before every release.