
Common tools to facilitate frontend development and testing.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status


A slightly opinionated, but highly configurable build system using Gulp and Webpack for optimized frontend tooling, development and testing.


yarn add -D undercurrent
npm install undercurrent --save-dev


Undercurrent comes with a default schema and tasks:

  • clean: clears the dist directory in the project cwd directory.
  • copy: copies any font from assets/fonts;
  • images: minifies images.
  • css: builds CSS from SCSS using PostCSS for transformations and also provides linting using Stylelint.
  • js: build JS using Webpack and runs ESLint and a Babel loader.
  • watch: watches changes for copy, css and images.

Within the package.json of your project, you simply need to add a script to run Undercurrent:

cross-env NODE_ENV=development gulp --gulpfile $(npm root)/undercurrent/src/index.js --cwd $(npm prefix)

This script would use the default schema and workflow; however, you can write your own workflow, schema and tasks.