
Simple cloth simulation with OpenGL.

Primary LanguageC

Cloth Simulation



  • Window
    • ESC Exit
  • Draw Mode: Change the rendering mode of cloth
    • Z Node Mode
    • X Spring Mode
    • C Cloth Mode
  • Camera
    • W S A D Move camera up / down / left / right
    • Q E Move camera closer / farther
  • Pause
    • T Pause
    • R Resume
  • Wind Force
    • MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT Click to apply wind force
    • Apply wind force
  • Pin Point
    • O Free left pin
    • P Free right pin


  • Xcode 11.1
  • OpenGL 3.3
    • GLAD
    • glfw
    • glew
    • glTools
  • Other
    • glm

Data Structures

  • Vectors.h
    • struct Vec2
    • struct Vec3
  • Points.h
    • struct Vertex
      • A simple type of points with only position and normal data
      • Used in rigid body (without texture or anything else)
    • class Node
      • Point with physical properties.
      • Used in cloth.
      • Execute collision detection actively.
  • Spring.h
    • class Spring
  • Cloth.h
    • class Cloth
  • Rigid.h -> Any rigid body without texture mapping
    • struct Ground
    • class Sphere
    • struct Ball
  • Program.h -> Shader program built itself from .glsl files
    • class Program
  • Display.h -> Global camera, light & Renderers for cloth and rigid bodies
    • struct Camera
    • struct Light
    • struct ClothRender
    • struct SpringRender
    • struct ClothSpringRender
    • struct RigidRender
    • struct GroundRender
    • struct BallRender