A dropdown time picker (hour|minute|second) for Vue 2.x, with flexible time format support
- 1
This is kinda useless
#28 opened by AlanB1978 - 1
Set the scroll to a specific element
#27 opened by arnaudknobloch - 2
- 1
Change event not firing
#26 opened by netgfx - 6
Keyboard support
#4 opened by pepf - 12
- 8
Custom hour Interval
#6 opened by SergioReis97 - 3
Emit open and closed events
#23 opened by AnwarElbo - 0
Time picker converts object from pm to am
#2 opened by martinnaughton - 5
- 11
Can you publish a new version to npm?
#8 opened by lichaozhy - 2
update display user
#18 opened by thiagoanselmo - 6
"h" format option not consistent
#14 opened by kieraneglin - 9
Keys are not being set by default format.
#13 opened by shroy - 0
Switching between AM/PM doesn't seem to work
#11 opened by salvatorious - 3
- 12
- 2
webpack issue
#3 opened by pepf