This repository releases our code for the Refresh model. It is improved from our code for Sidenet. It uses Tensorflow 0.10, please use scripts provided by Tensorflow to translate them to newer upgrades.
Please contact me at for any question.
Please cite this paper if you use our code or data:
Ranking Sentences for Extractive Summarization with Reinforcement Learning, Shashi Narayan, Shay B. Cohen and Mirella Lapata, NAACL 2018.
Single document summarization is the task of producing a shorter version of a document while preserving its principal information content. In this paper we conceptualize extractive summarization as a sentence ranking task and propose a novel training algorithm which globally optimizes the ROUGE evaluation metric through a reinforcement learning objective. We use our algorithm to train a neural summarization model on the CNN and DailyMail datasets and demonstrate experimentally that it outperforms state-of-the-art extractive and abstractive systems when evaluated automatically and by humans.
In addition to our code, please find links to additional files which are not uploaded here.
- Pretrained word embeddings trained on "1 billion word language modeling benchmark r13output" (405MB)
- Preprocessed CNN and DailyMail data: Articles are tokenized/segmented with the original case. Then, words are replaced with word ids in the word embedding file with (PAD_ID = 0, UNK_ID = 1). (1.9GB)
- Original Test and Validation mainbody data: These files are used to assemble summaries. (35MB)
- Gold Test and Validation highlights: These files are used to estimate ROUGE scores. (11MB)
We train for a certain number of epochs and then we estimate ROUGE score on the validation set after each epoch. The chosen models are the best ones performing on the validation set.
We have selected 20 (10 CNN and 10 DailyMail) articles. Please see our paper for the experiment setup.
Please download data using the above links and then either update
for the following parameters or pass them as in-line arguments:
pretrained_wordembedding: /address/data/1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark-r13output.word2vec.vec (Pretrained wordembedding file trained on the one million benchmark data)
preprocessed_data_directory: /address/data/preprocessed-input-directory (Preprocessed news articles)
gold_summary_directory: /address/data/Baseline-Gold-Models (Gold summary directory)
doc_sentence_directory: /address/data/CNN-DM-Filtered-TokenizedSegmented (Directory where document sentences are kept)
mkdir -p /address/to/training/directory/cnn-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample5
# Training
python --use_gpu /gpu:2 --data_mode cnn --train_dir /address/to/training/directory/cnn-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample5 --num_sample_rollout 5 > /address/to/training/directory/cnn-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample5/train.log
# Evaluation
python --use_gpu /gpu:2 --data_mode cnn --exp_mode test --model_to_load 11 --train_dir /address/to/training/directory/cnn-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample5 --num_sample_rollout 5 > /address/to/training/directory/cnn-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample5/test.model11.log
mkdir -p /address/to/training/directory/dailymail-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample15
# Training
python --use_gpu /gpu:2 --data_mode dailymail --train_dir /address/to/training/directory/dailymail-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample15 --num_sample_rollout 15 > /address/to/training/directory/dailymail-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample15/train.log
# Evaluation
python --use_gpu /gpu:2 --data_mode dailymail --exp_mode test --model_to_load 7 --train_dir /address/to/training/directory/dailymail-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample15 --num_sample_rollout 15 > /address/to/training/directory/dailymail-reinforcementlearn-singlesample-from-moracle-noatt-sample15/test.model7.log
You could find a live demo of Refresh here.
See here for a light introduction of our paper written by