In order to print the cards you need to download and print all the PDFs located in the Prints folder. Be sure to use good quality double-sided photo paper. I was very happy with results on a 230 g/m2 paper with matte finish.
The game consists of two types of cards, each should be printed with different background.
The special cards like tokens, ships and the center board card are all having the brown, wood-like background. Corresponding files are marked with A suffix and should be printed with the background_A.pdf file.
The regular cards making actual board are all having the blue, see-like background. Corresponding files are marked with B suffix and should be printed with the background_B.pdf file.
Note that the background itself is drawn a few millimeters bigger than the faces to eliminate white edges caused by inaccurate printing alignment. Keep that in mind and always use the faces to cut out individual cards. A paper cutter is highly recommended.
Once the cards are printed and cut, there are still some additional items you need in order to start playing.
Each player needs three figures. Those should be easily distinguishable from other players. You can use the color figures from Man Don't Get Angry or your favorite LEGO minifigures.
A pack of some nice coins to represent the treasure. Again, you can use some LEGO pieces or there are several options available on Amazon.
Two dice of your choice.
To prepare the main board, lay down the grid of 11x11 with cards having the blue see-like background (face down). Just in the middle, there should be the dice card with no coins (face up). (This card should be easy to find, since it has the brown wood-like background.)
Depending on number of players, put one ship with figures to the middle of each side of the grid.
These are the main cards creating the playing board and providing the game features. All these cards (except the center card) have the blue sea-like background.
Rules are indeed very basic... and feel free to modify them as you like. Look at the rules.pdf inside the Prints folder.