
Composer package for doing math operations with Fractions

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Composer package for math operations with fractions

Latest Version Software License Build Status

Auto simplifies the fractions on initialisation. Installation:

 composer require xxc/fractionmath:1.*


$fraction = new Fraction(1,2);

Available methods for a Fraction:

  • numerator() - gets the numerator
  • denominator() - gets the denominator
  • integer() - gets the integer
  • getGreatestCommonDivisor() - gets the GCD of the numetor and the denominator
  • getFractionAsArray() - returns the fraction as array with keys numerator, denominator, integer
  • getFractionAsObject() - returns the fraction as object
  • display() - returns the html for a fraction
  • parse() - static method for quick parsing strings to fractions

Works with irregular fractions aswell
$fraction = new Fraction(9,3);
returns ...
    'numerator' => 9,
    'denominator' => 3,
    'integer' => 0

If you need you can parse strings to fractions with the static parse method. The method accepts a string param in the format integer-space-nominator-slash-deniminator - Example for valid inputs: 1/2; 5 1/2; 5/6; 666 1/5;

xxc\fractionmath\Fraction::parse('1/2'); \\returns a fraction with nominator 1 and denominator 2
xxc\fractionmath\Fraction::parse('3 1/2'); \\returns a fraction with integer 3,nominator 1 and denominator 2
\\you can chain methods like this
xxc\fractionmath\Fraction::parse('2/4')->display(); \\returns html for a fraction 2/4

The Math class handles all the math operations - requires Fraction as inputs and returns a Fraction
Math operations:

  • add()
  • subtract()
  • multiply()
  • divide()
$fractionOne = new Fraction(1,3);
$fractionTwo = new Fraction(1,3);

$mathOperation = new Math();

$mathOperation->add($fractionOne, $fractionTwo);
$mathOperation->subtract($fractionOne, $fractionTwo);
$mathOperation->multiply($fractionOne, $fractionTwo);
$mathOperation->divide($fractionOne, $fractionTwo);