

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Arena Web


[topcoder] Arena for Single Round Match contests. Lightweight html/css/js interface built on angular and bootstrap. Single-page, responsive design approach.


  • Node 10

Getting Setup

To develop arena-web you'll need npm (installed as part of node). Then globally install bower and the grunt-cli:

Please execute following under root account or use sudo

npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli

Then clone this repo. Then to get all dependencies simply run:

npm install

App Structure

Do all development in the app directory. Within that directory:

  • Put custom css in css/app.css
  • Put all images in img/
  • Put all javascript code in js using whatever structure you want, but be sure everything is linked to js/app.js. This file is the main entry point for the app.


Even though this is a client-side app, we still try to follow 12factor. As such as configuration variables are expected to be set as environment variables. The values will be substituted into the app/js/config.js file on build.

Build and Release

Source the environment variables:

source config/dev-local.sh

To build the client side app run:


This will perform the following tasks:

  1. Clean the build directory.
  2. Populate config.js with the environment variables.
  3. Package all the JS code into a single file using Browserify and put it in build/js/bundle.js.
  4. Package and minify all css code into a single file using the cssmin grunt plugin, and put it in build/css/bundle.css.
  5. Copy all html and image file over to build.

To release the app run:

grunt release

Release is similar to build, but it works out of the build directory and minifies all the javascript. It copies everything to release.

To use jslint validate the js files:

grunt jslint

This will validate all js files by grunt-contrib-jshint .

Run the App

http-server, a simple static webserver, is one of the dev dependencies. To serve the app from the build directory on port 3000 on localhost simply use:

npm start

Verify Locally

  1. Start arena services:

  2. Start arena web:

    source config/dev-local.sh \
      && grunt \
      && cp app/index.html.local build/index.html \
      && npm start

    Notice the step cp app/index.html.local build/index.html. The app/index.html.local file will setup SSO login for user locally and thus able to login to arena docker services. It can setup for any user exists in user table in the informix docker.

    To switch to a different user, just need to change the userId at line 23:

    // Change the userId as wanted.
    // For example, if want to test admin functionality, change it to 132456 (heffan)
    // If want to test competitor fuctionality, change it to 124766 (twight)
    var userId = "124766"; 
  3. Open http://localhost:3000 in browser. Refer to https://youtu.be/85yy3Qohijs for details.