
an intelligent agent of process monitor for Windows SO.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

( Beta version ended. ) Éber H S Alves

Process monitor

A sample Antivirus

  • An intelligent agent of process monitoring for Windows SO.
  • Developed on Python Language.
  • Compatible with Python version 3.x (Prefer the version 3.4).

This programm aims show how to use the some libraries of python to make a sample anti-virus, like: subprocess, threading, Thread, Tkinter, sqlite3 and contextlib.


  • Open the archive monitor.py or execute on command line python monitor.py.
  • to Start monitoring, click on button Monitorar.
  • to Stop monitoring, click again on button Monitorando... (This button is blue).
  • On button Editar Tabela will show table of Exception List.

This code has write in a way succint and strutured.

Suggestions? Improvements? Contact-me!

e-mail: eber.alves001@live.com
