
A fabric mod for The Witness Minecraft

Primary LanguageKotlinCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Gradle build Release

What is it?

The fabric mod that adds puzzle frames from The Witness to Minecraft

This is also a companion mod for The Witness Minecraft youtube series - and adds a variety of decoration blocks to the game to recreate the island

How do I get it?

Make sure to also load in these dependencies

  1. fabric-api
  2. fabric-language-kotlin
  3. lib-gui
  4. nbt-crafting


  1. Update the mod version in buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/Info.kt
  2. Add a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.md
  3. Commit with a message like Prepare for relase vX.Y.Z
  4. Tag with vX.Y.Z
  5. Push branch, and the tags


CC0 1.0 Universal © Isuru Rajapakse