The BrowserTabView is a browser-style tabview controller looks like the Dolphin Browser,you can add or remove tab dynamically,and it also support panning and dragging ,you can exchange tab positions
- akaralarBarcelona, Spain
- andydukeAmazing Softworks
- ariauakbarBizzy
- arnep
- azonile
- davidebettio
- fjbelchiMadrid, Spain
- fusenigk
- gscarroneItaly
- guoxj
- h-umus
- iamdaiyuanBeijing
- imranansari
- inamiy@GoodNotes
- indyfromozLiana Solutions Pty Ltd
- jfradjFreelance
- jprothwell
- kyoji2Sumi Interactive
- luosky叽里呱啦
- mayuluISV
- mhanifBroadcom
- navy3
- NeomMobNeomobili
- ojimac@reapra, @reapra-technology
- persimmonsoftPersimmonsoft Technologies
- peterblazejewiczGN Poland/Jabra+ Poland
- ricky-choiLayerz
- romainbricheSan Francisco, California
- saitenJapan
- seanlilmateusKöln (cologne), Germany
- sevear
- shstevenScreening Eagle
- simoneleopizziSLOOKY
- skyfe79Burt.K
- tonyadaVancouver, Canada - Beijing, China
- zhulin025Innovation Works