30 Days of Swift
Hi Community
I am Allen Wang, a product designer and currently learning Swift.
This project was totally inspired by Sam Lu's 100 Days of Swift project, after read his Medium post I made a decision to put my every single day to write Swift, this's the final code of 30 tiny Swift projects.
现在通过Price Tag 正版数字商店购买 Design + Code 2.0 一年订阅仅需 256 元人民币(原价 320 元),2018 年 7 月份将首次更新中文版本,届时可以免费更新。
Project Index & GIF Showcase
Project 01 - SimpleStopWatch
Project 02 - CustomFont
Project 03 - PlayLocalVideo
Project 04 - SnapChatMenu
Project 05 - CarouselEffect
Project 06 - FindMyLocation
Project 07 - PullToRefresh
Project 08 - RandomGradientColorMusic
Project 09 - ImageScroller
Project 10 - VideoBackground
Project 11 - ClearTableViewCell
Project 12 - LoginAnimation
Project 13 - AnimateTableViewCell
Project 14 - EmojiSlotMachine
Project 15 - AnimatedSplash
Project 16 - SlideMenu
Project 17 - TumblrMenu
Project 18 - LimitCharacters
Project 19 - CustomPullToRefresh
Project 20 - CollectionViewAnimation
Project 21 - SwipeableCell
Project 22 - 3DTouchQuickAction
Project 23 - SlideOutMenu
Project 24 - MosaicLayout
Project 25 - UIViewBasicAnimation
Project 26 - CoreDataApp
Project 27 - TabbarApp
Project 28 - SpotlightSearch
Project 29 - iMessageImagePicker
Project 30 - WikiFace
Where I learn from?
Design + Code 现在可以通过Price Tag 正版数字商店购买 Design Code 2.0 一年订阅仅需 256 元,2018 年 7 月份将首次更新中文版本。
iOS With Girlfriend - Kevinzhow
What's next?
Update: I made Wave(浪潮) VPN for iOS, now on App Store. Update: Wave was been shut down.
30 Days of Swift is under the MIT license.
Reach me
Twitter: @creativewang
Dribbble: Allen Wang
Weibo: @Allen朝辉