
BLE Framework. Based on Bluetooth 4.0. Based on callback. Extremely simple! Communication with BluetoothLE(BLE) device as easy as HTTP communication. Android低功耗蓝牙便捷操作框架,基于回调,完成蓝牙设备交互就像发送网络请求一样简单。

Primary LanguageJava

LiteBle: Android Bluetooth Framework

Extremely simple! Based on callback. Communication with BluetoothLE(BLE) device as easy as HTTP communication. One Device, One connection, One LiteBluetooth Instance.

But One connection can has many callback: One LiteBluetooth Instance can add many BluetoothGattCallback.


###1. scan device

private static int TIME_OUT_SCAN = 10000;
liteBluetooth.startLeScan(new PeriodScanCallback(TIME_OUT_SCAN) {
    public void onScanTimeout() {
        dialogShow(TIME_OUT_SCAN + " Millis Scan Timeout! ");

    public void onLeScan(BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) {
        BleLog.i(TAG, "device: " + device.getName() + "  mac: " + device.getAddress()
                      + "  rssi: " + rssi + "  scanRecord: " + Arrays.toString(scanRecord));

###2. scan and connect

private static String MAC = "00:00:00:AA:AA:AA";
liteBluetooth.scanAndConnect(MAC, false, new BleGattCallback() {

    public void onConnectSuccess(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
        // discover services !

    public void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
        dialogShow(MAC + " Services Discovered SUCCESS !");

    public void onConnectFailure(BleException exception) {
        dialogShow(MAC + " Services Discovered FAILURE !");

###3. get state of litebluetooth

BleLog.i(TAG, "liteBluetooth.getConnectionState: " + liteBluetooth.getConnectionState());
BleLog.i(TAG, "liteBluetooth isInScanning: " + liteBluetooth.isInScanning());
BleLog.i(TAG, "liteBluetooth isConnected: " + liteBluetooth.isConnected());
BleLog.i(TAG, "liteBluetooth isServiceDiscoered: " + liteBluetooth.isServiceDiscoered());
if (liteBluetooth.getConnectionState() >= LiteBluetooth.STATE_CONNECTING) {
    BleLog.i(TAG, "lite bluetooth is in connecting or connected");
if (liteBluetooth.getConnectionState() == LiteBluetooth.STATE_SERVICES_DISCOVERED) {
    BleLog.i(TAG, "lite bluetooth is in connected, services have been found");

###4. add(remove) new callback to an existing connection.

 * add(remove) new callback to an existing connection.
 * One Device, One {@link LiteBluetooth}.
 * But one device( {@link LiteBluetooth}) can add many callback {@link BluetoothGattCallback}
 * {@link LiteBleGattCallback} is a extension of {@link BluetoothGattCallback}
private void addNewCallbackToOneConnection() {
    BluetoothGattCallback liteCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() {
        public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {}

        public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {

        public void onCharacteristicWrite(BluetoothGatt gatt,
                                          BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, int status) {

        public void onReadRemoteRssi(BluetoothGatt gatt, int rssi, int status) {}

    if (liteBluetooth.isConnectingOrConnected()) {

###5. refresh bluetooth device cache


###6. close connection

if (liteBluetooth.isConnectingOrConnected()) {

###7. write data to characteritic

LiteBleConnector connector = liteBluetooth.newBleConnector();
connector.withUUIDString(UUID_SERVICE, UUID_CHAR_WRITE, null)
         .writeCharacteristic(new byte[]{1, 2, 3}, new BleCharactCallback() {
             public void onSuccess(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Write Success, DATA: " + Arrays.toString(characteristic.getValue()));

             public void onFailure(BleException exception) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Write failure: " + exception);

###8. write data to descriptor

LiteBleConnector connector = liteBluetooth.newBleConnector();
         .writeDescriptor(new byte[]{1, 2, 3}, new BleDescriptorCallback() {
             public void onSuccess(BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Write Success, DATA: " + Arrays.toString(descriptor.getValue()));

             public void onFailure(BleException exception) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Write failure: " + exception);

###9. read data from characteritic

LiteBleConnector connector = liteBluetooth.newBleConnector();
connector.withUUIDString(UUID_SERVICE, UUID_CHAR_READ, null)
         .readCharacteristic(new BleCharactCallback() {
             public void onSuccess(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Read Success, DATA: " + Arrays.toString(characteristic.getValue()));

             public void onFailure(BleException exception) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Read failure: " + exception);

###10. enable notification of characteristic

LiteBleConnector connector = liteBluetooth.newBleConnector();
connector.withUUIDString(UUID_SERVICE, UUID_CHAR_READ, null)
         .enableCharacteristicNotification(new BleCharactCallback() {
             public void onSuccess(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Notification characteristic Success, DATA: " + Arrays

             public void onFailure(BleException exception) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Notification characteristic failure: " + exception);

###11. enable notification of descriptor

LiteBleConnector connector = liteBluetooth.newBleConnector();
         .enableDescriptorNotification(new BleDescriptorCallback() {
             public void onSuccess(BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor) {
                         "Notification descriptor Success, DATA: " + Arrays.toString(descriptor.getValue()));

             public void onFailure(BleException exception) {
                 BleLog.i(TAG, "Notification descriptor failure : " + exception);

###12. read RSSI of device

             .readRemoteRssi(new BleRssiCallback() {
                 public void onSuccess(int rssi) {
                     BleLog.i(TAG, "Read Success, rssi: " + rssi);

                 public void onFailure(BleException exception) {
                     BleLog.i(TAG, "Read failure : " + exception);

##More Detail, See The Sample

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Email : litesuits@qq.com

QQgroup : 42960650 , 47357508