
Simulating a 2DoF elastic pendulum with numpy, scipy, matplotlib

Primary LanguagePython

Elastic Pendulum Simulator

This repository contains a simulator for the spring-pendulum system with two degrees of freedom ($\theta,x$) written in python with scipy's numerical integration and matplotlib's visualisation.

To find the position of the mass we use the following second-order ordinary differential equations: $$\ddot{x}=(l_0+x)\dot{\theta}^2-\frac{k}{m}x+g\cos\theta$$ $$\ddot{\theta}=\frac{-g\sin\theta-2\dot{x}\dot{\theta}}{l_0+x}$$ These equations can then be fed into scipy.integrate.solve_ivp along with the starting conditions to solve the overall state over any time span.


The only python requirements are matplotlib for visualisation, scipy for numeric integration, and numpy for general computations. All can be installed as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The program also requires ffmpeg if you plan to create an animation, to turn the image frames into a gif or webp or mp4.

# MacOS
brew install ffmpeg
# Arch
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
# ... Figure it out if your OS is not listed


The software has two primary modes, plot_stats and animate. plot_stats will show a graph resembling the following: stats output animate will render frames to frames/%04d.png and then render them to an output file (out.gif by default) using ffmpeg. The gif will resemble the following:

Animated GIF of system

To switch between these modes, simply scroll to the bottom of simulator.py and comment or uncomment either line.

The starting conditions of the system can be modified by editing l0, k, m, g, and s0 in simulator.py. Additionally, some parameters regarding the simulation and rendering can be edited: tmax, dt, fps.

There is an additional mode time_for_n_swings, which will compute how many seconds the pendulum takes to complete $n$ total swings. It does this by taking the result from the numeric integration and scanning through the values of $\dot\theta$. When it equals $0$ (excluding $t=0$), or, alternatively, its sign changes in one change of $dt$ (by Intermediate Value Theorem), that means the pendulum has turned around once. The number of times it has changed directions is twice the number of completed swings (using floor division). Thus, we can grab the $2n-1$ index from the $\dot\theta$ values. If there is no turnaround, we double the timespan simulated and try again using recursion. Since scipy is quite fast and the tmax computed increases exponentially, this can calculate up to large numbers of swings such as $100$ or even $1000$ quite quickly.


The above formulas can be derived using the Euler-Lagrange Equation. Firstly, the system and variables must be defined:

Diagram of system

$\theta(t)$ is the angle of the pendulum from verticle, $x(t)$ is the distance the spring is stretched from equilibrium, $l$ is the total length of the spring ($l_0+x$ where $l_0$ is the equilibrium length), $g$ is the gravitational acceleration constant (set to $9.81ms^{-1}$), $m$ is the mass of the pendulum weight, and $k$ is the spring constant in $Nm^{-1}$ (See Hooke's Law). Also, the vertical axis is defined as upwards while the horizontal axis is defined as towards the right.

Firstly, consider the Lagrangian function $L=T-V$ where $T$ is the kinetic energy of the system and $V$ is the potential energy of the system. $T$ is simply $\frac{1}{2}mv^2$, which can be written using $\theta$ and $x$ by combining the radial and tangential velocities with Pythagoras: $$T=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot x^2+(l\dot\theta)^2)=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot x^2+(l_0+x)^2\dot\theta^2)$$ The potential energy $V$ can be written as the combination of the spring's potential energy, given by Hooke's Law, and the gravitational potential energy: $V=V_g+V_k$.

The gravitational potential is given as $V_g=-mgh$. $h$ can be found using simple right-angled trigonometry with $l$ and $\theta$, giving $$V_g=-mgl\cos\theta=-mg(l_0+x)\cos\theta$$ The spring's potential energy can be given as simply $\frac{1}{2}kx^2$, thus the Lagrangian function is given by

$$\begin{align*} L[\theta,\dot\theta,x,\dot x]&=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot x^2+(l_0+x)^2\dot\theta^2)+mg(l_0+x)\cos\theta-\frac{1}{2}kx^2\\\ &=\frac{1}{2}m\dot x^2+\frac{1}{2}m(l_0+x)^2\dot\theta^2+mg(l_0+x)\cos\theta-\frac{1}{2}kx^2\quad(1) \end{align*}$$

Now, we can apply the Euler-Lagrange function:

$$\begin{align*} \frac{\partial L}{\partial x}&=\frac{d}{dt}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot x}\right) \\\ m(l_0+x)\dot\theta^2+mg\cos\theta-kx&=\frac{d}{dt}\left(m\dot x\right) \\\ &=m\ddot x \\\ \therefore \ddot x&=(l_0+x)\dot\theta^2+g\cos\theta-\frac{k}{m}x\quad (2) \end{align*}$$

The same equation can be used with $\theta$ in place of $x$.

$$\begin{align*} \frac{\partial L}{\partial\theta}&=\frac{d}{dt}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial\dot\theta}\right) \\\ -mg(l_0+x)\sin\theta&=\frac{d}{dt}\left(m(l_0+x)^2\dot\theta\right) \\\ &=2m(l_0+x)\dot x\dot\theta+m(l_0+x)^2\ddot\theta \\\ \therefore \ddot\theta &=\frac{-g\sin\theta-2\dot x\dot\theta}{l_0+x}\quad (3) \end{align*}$$

Additionally, notice that if we force $x$ and its derivatives to 0 then we are given the equations of a simple fixed-length pendulum. If we force $\theta$ and its derivatives to 0, we are given the equations of a simple 1-dimensional spring oscillator. Thus, these equations contain both systems within them.