
An ExtJS Panel that displays a Google Map using the Google Maps API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google Maps Panel

This is a panel that displays a Google Map.


There are versions of this extension that work with Google Maps V2 or V3, along with versions that are compatible with ExtJS 3 or 4

  • Ext.ux.GMapPanel.js - Google Maps V2 & ExtJS 3

  • Ext.ux.GMapPanel3.js - Google Maps V3 & ExtJS 3

  • Ext.ux.GMapPanelStatic.js - Google Static Maps & ExtJS 3/Sencha Touch (experimental)

  • GMapPanel3.js - Google Maps V3 & ExtJS 4

  • GMapPanelStatic.js - Google Static Maps & ExtJS 4 (experimental)

Examples for ExtJS 3.x

Examples for ExtJS 4.x

Examples for Sencha Touch

  • None yet - coming soon