
Discord bot which allows user to look up bible passages (USES CPDV Bible Translation)

Primary LanguagePython

St. Isidore Bot

Discord bot which allows user to look up bible passages

Need to host and/or setup the bot yourself

(USES CPDV Bible Translation)


  • Looking up a specific passage with the $passage command
  • Getting a random passage or random verse with the $randombv or $randomv command
  • Use $help for more information


  1. Install python and the discord.py library. Make sure to install other modules/libraries used in the code
    pip install discord
  2. Go to Discord Developer
  3. Create a new application
  4. Create a URL in the OAuth2 URL Generator and give bot permissions
  5. Copy and paste the URL into your browser to add the bot to your channel
  6. Add the OATH key in the biblebot.py
  7. Run biblebot.py
