
This repository is a snapshot of the Noise-Tagging project as carried out at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. It involves a brain computer interface (BCI) that utilizes code-modulated visual evoked potentials (cVEP) to decoding what a user is attending to (e.g., in a visual matrix speller) from brain activity. The code in this repository belong directly to the research article as listed below.


  • Thielen, J., van den Broek, P., Farquhar, J., & Desain, P. (2015). Broad-Band Visually Evoked Potentials: Re (con) volution in Brain-Computer Interfacing. PloS one, 10(7), e0133797. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133797
  • Thielen, J., Marsman, P., Farquhar, J., & Desain, P. (2017). Re (con) volution: Accurate response prediction for broad-band evoked potentials-based brain computer interfaces. In Brain-Computer Interface Research (pp. 35-42). Springer, Cham.
  • Desain, P. W. M., Thielen, J., van den Broek, P. L. C., & Farquhar, J. D. R. (2019). U.S. Patent No. 10,314,508. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


Please, also see to "open up new dimensions of interaction" using a brain computer interface.