
a lisp-like, M-expressions language based on node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is it?

It's just a LISP-like implentation based on node.js.


heroin is LISP in M-expressions, this is the basic syntax.

	functionName(argument1, argument2, argument3);

and its special form like cond in LISP and if/else in JavaScript

	(condition1 -> then1; condition2 -> then2; condition3 -> then3);

compare with JavaScript for now

JavaScript									heroin

a + b + c									+(a, b, c);
a - b - c									-(a, b, c);
a * b * c									*(a, b, c);
(a / b) / c									/(a, b, c);
(a % b) % c									%(a, b, c);
a = b										=(a, b);
a === b										==(a, b);
a < b										<(a, b);
a > b										>(a, b);
condition ? then : else						(condition -> then; true -> else);
delete a									delete(a);
var a = b									=(a, b);
return a									return(a);
var c = function (a, b) { return a + b; }	=(c, lambda((a, b), +(a, b)));
													=(c, λ((a, b), +(a, b)));

If you want to use +=, please use macro like this:

=(+=, macro((a, b), [=(a, +(a, b))]));
+=(x, 3);

If you want to use ++, please use macro like this:

=(++, macro((a), [=(a, +(a, 1))]));

So to create a standard module to set the basic and useful function and macro is a good way. No looping operators? I think it can be created by recursive of [condition -> then; true -> else], like this:

=(while, macro((cond, exp), [(cond -> exp; true -> {exp, while(cond, exp)})]));

compare with LISP for now

LISP							heroin
(QUOTE A B C)					[A, B, C];
(CONS '(A B) C)					cons([A, B], C);
(CAR '(A B))					car([A, B]);
(CDR '(A B))					cdr([A, B]);
(EQ A B)						==(A, B);
(ATOM A)						atom(A);
(COND (P1 E1) (P2 E2))			(P1 -> E1; P2 -> E2;);

special form

{E1; E2; E3; ...; En;};     =>  evluate E1, E2, E3, ..., En; then return the result of En
{-(5, 4); +(1, 2);};	        =>  return 3

How to use heroin

step 1. write what you want to try in a file like try.hrn step 2. create a .js file to require heroin.js step 3. just node it and see what happen I think this module must have a lot of bugs to kill, a lot of exceptations to deal.
