
It's not AI that takes away your job, but the people who master the use of AI tools. The most deadly attack is a dimension-reducing strike: destroying you has nothing to do with you - from "The Three-Body Problem". 中文说明: 抢走你工作的不是AI,而是掌握使用AI工具的人。 降维打击最为致命:毁灭你,与你何干《三体》

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Aiming to connect oneself and others to the vast world of AI, this project was created with just that intention in mind.

As one of the forerunners in the advent of AI, during the peak popularity of ChatGPT, this initiative provided a series of public AI services, helping some people connect to the world of AI. Time flies, and nowadays, AI is everywhere, and the public services offered have stopped for various reasons. However, the original intention of this project remains. If you're tired of dealing with domestic services that are just shells, sporadically operational, or vanish without a trace, this site may still offer you some assistance.

The project provides AI-related resources, including but not limited to:

The project is maintained during business hours, so there might be omissions, errors, or suboptimal experiences, but the author will strive to continually optimize and improve.

If you have any AI-related information to provide or have suggestions or feedback, please submit an issue.

Latest Free AI Service Website Recommendations

Considering that domestic AI services like ChatGPT and Gemini are not always stable, compliant, or genuine, this site prioritizes AI services offered by foreign service providers.

For the websites listed below, if access is restricted, please refer to the contents of VPN Tools.

coze.com Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Reasons to Recommend:

  • Supports the GPT-4 model with unlimited use
  • Offers the highest support for the GPT-4(128K) model
  • Completely free at present, without strict registration requirements
  • Provides similar services to ChatGPT-plus users
  • Features such as plugins, knowledge bases, and networking are fully available
  • Can be easily integrated into mainstream foreign chat tools
  • Provided by ByteDance's overseas team, ensuring service quality and stability


chat.openai.com Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Reasons to Recommend:

  • Free and unlimited use of the GPT-3.5 model
  • Official ChatGPT service provided by OpenAI
  • Lower registration threshold, making it significantly more accessible
  • Continuously refined for stable and smooth use
  • For a better experience, avoid domestic shell services

gemini.google.com Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Reasons to Recommend:

  • Official AI service provided by Google
  • A potential rival to OpenAI in the AI sector
  • Gemini Ultra model is on par with or exceeds GPT-4
  • Gemini Ultra model currently free to try for two months
  • Unlimited free trial of Gemini pro model, intelligence comparable to GPT-3.5

sora Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Reasons to Recommend:

  • Currently the hottest text-generated video AI application by OpenAI
  • Capable of generating videos up to 60 seconds in length
  • The generated content is cohesive and realistic
  • Unmatched by any text-to-video AI applications currently on the market

Additional Notes:

  • Not yet open to the general public
  • Approach it without alarmism, and maintain a rational attitude towards technological advancements
  • Keep an open and accepting attitude towards new things

Technical research report on Sora

Other Related

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKVOTpMU7c0

Discussion Groups

AI chat groups, some of which offer direct chat experiences with AI, and a platform to exchange ideas with like-minded individuals.

Join Telegram Group Join WeChat Group (Note: Join AI group)

Please specify your intent to join the WeChat group to avoid unwanted invitations and information harassment.
Telegram group link: https://t.me/auto_gpt_ai
TG_bot for conversing with GPT-4: https://t.me/h5player_bot
