Neural Concatenative Singing Voice Conversion


This is the official implementation of NeuCoSVC, an any-to-any singing voice conversion model from our paper. Audio samples are available at The trained checkpoints are available from google drive.


Figure: The structure of the proposed SVC system: (a) the SSL feature extracting and matching module; (b) the neural harmonic signal generator; (c) the audio synthesizer.



We recommend installing the project's environment using Anaconda. The requirements.txt file contains a curated list of dependencies for the developing environment(Torch 2.0.1 + cu117). You can use the following commands to set up the environment:

conda create -n NeuCoSVC python=3.10.6
conda activate NeuCoSVC
pip install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, you can find the complete original environment used for developing in the requirements_all.txt file.

Besides, REAPER is required for pitch extraction. You need to download and build reaper, and then modify the path to reaper in the 60th line of utils/


The checkpoint for the frozen WavLM Large encoder can be obtained from the original WavLM repository.

The trained FastSVC model with neural harmonic filters can be downloaded from google drive

Then you need to put the file and model.pkl folder in the pretrained folder.


Note that the source waveform must be 24kHz. --speech_enroll is recommended when using speech as the reference audio, and the pitch of the reference audio will be increased to 1.2 times when performing a pitch shift to cover the pitch gap between singing and speech.

python --src_wav_path src-wav-path --ref_wav_path ref-wav-path --out_path out-path --speech_enroll


Data Preparation

Take the OpenSinger dataset as an example, the dataset needs to be resampled to 24kHz.

- OpenSinger_24k
    |- ManRaw/
    |   | - SingerID_SongName/
    |   |   | - SingerID_SongName_SongClipNumber.wav/
    |   |   | - ...
    |   | - ...
    |- WomanRaw/
    |   | - 0_光年之外/
    |   |   | - 0_光年之外_0.wav/ 
    |   |   | - ...
    |   | - ...

Then perform data preprocessing.

  1. Extract pitch and loudness. Specify the directories for pitch and loudness using the --pitch_dir and --ld_dir parameters respectively. If not specified, the features will be saved in the pitch/loudness folder under the dataset-root directory.

    python -m utils.pitch_ld_extraction --data_root dataset-root --pitch_dir dir-for-pitch --ld_dir dir-for-loudness --n_cpu 8
  2. Extract pre-matching features of each audio piece. The program uses the average of the last five layers' features from WavLM for distance calculation and kNN. It replaces and concatenates on the corresponding feature of the 6th layer in WavLM for audio synthesis. This configuration has shown improved performance in experiments. If --out_dir is not specified, the features will be saved in the wavlm_features folder under the dataset-root directory.

    python -m dataset.prematch_dataset --data_root dataset-root --out_dir dir-for-wavlm-feats
  3. Split the dataset into train, valid, and test sets, and generate the metadata files. By default, singing audio clips from the 26th and 27th male singers(OpenSinger/ManRaw/26(7)_*/*.wav) and 46th and 47th female singers(OpenSinger/WomanRaw/46(7)_*/*.wav) are considered as the test set. The remaining singers' audio files are randomly divided into the train set and the valid set in a 9:1 ratio. Specify the directories for features using the --wavlm_dir, --pitch_dir, and --ld_dir parameters. If not specified, the corresponding features will be read from the wavlm_features, pitch, and loudness folders under the data_root directory.

    python dataset/ --data_root dataset-root 

Train Decoder

# for single GPU training:
python --data_root dataset-dir --config configs/config.json --cp_path pretrained
# for distributed multi GPUs training:
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=4 --data_root dataset-dir --config configs/config.json --cp_path pretrained

To modify the training configurations or model parameters, you can edit the configs/config.json file.


This work is inspired by kNN-VC and built on the U-net SVC frameworks.

We have incorporated publicly available code from the kNN-VC and WavLM projects.

We would like to express our gratitude to the authors of kNN-VC and WavLM for sharing their codebases. Their contributions have been instrumental in the development of our project.


If this repo is helpful with your research or projects, please kindly star our repo and cite our paper as follows:

      title={neural concatenative singing voice conversion: rethinking concatenation-based approach for one-shot singing voice conversion}, 
      author={Binzhu Sha and Xu Li and Zhiyong Wu and Ying Shan and Helen Meng},