I tried my best to follow the suckless coding style.
None of the features was patched in, i hand coded every extra feature trying my best to fix all bugs found in the patches.
make clean install
- Master All Sides - The ability to have the master view on the left, right, top and bottom.
- Smart Direction - As we can now have the master on different sides smart direction fixes the problem of direction keys not being intuitive.
- Per Tag - Allows each tag to have a separate layout, master count, master size and visible bar
- Gaps - Gap around windows that can be adjusted on the fly.
- Fake Fullscreen - Only allow windows to fullscreen into space given to them.
- Hide Vacant Tags - Hide tags that are not in use.
- Move Stack - Move windows around in the stack.
- No Border - Remove the border when there is only one window visible.
- Resize Corners - The mouse is warped to the nearest corner when resizing windows.
- Bar Style - Removed blue title background, removed layout symbol, added extra color for unselected tags
As i have drastically changed the keyboard layout i have included some of the changes below.
- mod + down|left|right|up = change window focus
- mod + shift + down|left|right|up = move window
- mod + ctrl + down|left|right|up = resize master / change master count
- mod + ctrl + shift + down|left|right|up = move master side
- mod + rightshift = toggle bar
- mod + return = toggle monocle
- mod + space = toggle floating
- mod + pagedown|pageup = change monitor focus
- mod + left bracket|right bracket = change inner gap size
- mod + shift + left bracket|right bracket = change outer gap size
- mod + esc = close window
- mod + shift + esc = quit dwm
I have also included my custom config.h just for my setup feel free to delete config.h to use default values from config.def.h.